Critique Club
Firstly, I love Thailand, spent about 5 months in the country, great place to visit hey!
Its a gorgeous Tablet, a very beautiful image. The crop is good, as some one mentioned it is a tiny bit off center, so maybe this could have been corrected. I think that statues don't usually score really high. I have been to the Thai Pavillion, the buidlings and colors are fantastic there, I think that more of a landscape view of the temples and statues in colour would have done better. As I remember there is a lot of gold at the pavillion and this would have been great late in the day. .
As this is a close up shot, background doesn't effect the picture, however as I said previously I would prefer to have seen more of the overall view of the pavillion.
Focus is good, the overall sharpness works well.
As you said, the contrast has been left untouched, I wonder if a bit more contrast would add more impact, but then again, I tend to use too mch contrast! I was also wondering if shooting at a different time of day would add more interesting shadows and lighting.
This is a great shot, I like it. I am a great fan of Buddhist statues, so this really works for me. Hope that you had a great trip! |