Critique Club by Photographer Request
I like the overall effect. However, I think you might benefit from playing with the angle of the lighting. The sharp reflection of the ties along the rail, at the bottom left of the picture, tend to intrude on the scene. They almost look like little daggers. Since this is macro, there is only so much depth of field to be had. Still the front of the train tends to blend into the gray backgound. Could you have gone to a smaller (higher number) f stop to get a little more depth? Or once again, different lighting? Or on second thought, a larger f stop to make them a little more isolated in the scene, by softening the foreground as well?
As the effect was achieved by desaturating everything but the red, there is a bit of a red reflection or cast at the wheel of the engine where the driving arm attaches, that catches the eye. Lighting angles and placement of figures could work here too. I guess the biggest thing I see here, can be traced back to lighting. It is so bright aimed at the figures. Almost too harsh for my taste.
I do like the overall scene. The engine is suitably large and powerful, signaling a journey that cannot be denied. The mood is such that it seems more than just a journey around the table-top. The placement of the figures is well done, they seem to be communicating rather than just placed haphazardly around the scene. They do not appear to be poseable figures, yet you did a good job making it look like she is really talking to him. |