Critique Club Comment:
Your highest scoring photo until now, and almost hit the big 6! You must be pleased.
Now it̢۪s my task to critique you. Let̢۪s see.
This was a very difficult challenge, as far as I̢۪m concerned, with lot̢۪s of beautiful pictures and this is one of them.
What do I like about this photo:
It has a really nice nostalgic look, and I personally like old cars. The composition is good.
I could see this in a travel guide, but it̢۪s not as obvious as other pics in this challenge.
The b&w conversion works for this photo.
Now for some critique:
What could have been done to improve this? Well for once the building in the background is blown out, so it takes away from the picture, the highlights, shadows and reflections on the car are also a bit distracting in my eyes, I dont know how the whole place looks, but maybe you could have used a different point of view to compose it different. I would like to see a picture from the other side with the gas station, and see what that would bring.