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Behold The Moon
Behold The Moon

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2012-07 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-1000D Rebel XS
Lens: Phoenix 500mm f/8.0 Mirror (Reflex) MF (T-Mount Required)
Location: Alden, KS
Date: Jul 28, 2012
Aperture: f/0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/50
Date Uploaded: Jul 31, 2012

The tree branch was intentionally captured with the moon. The picture was taken right outside my backdoor on my porch using a Zeikos Tripod and a Shutter Release. This is my first picture taken with a 500mm fixed focal length. As for the Aperture it was preset at f/0 since a 2x converter was used along with the lens.

Place: 231 out of 259
Avg (all users): 5.1963
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 5.1882
Avg (non-participants): 5.2273
Views since voting: 316
Views during voting: 171
Votes: 107
Comments: 4
Favorites: 0

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08/21/2012 10:24:08 PM
Thank you for the critique, I know I might have been able to do better but was just in awe that it came out as it did. I'm still learning about this lens and I do hope I can get some gorgeous shots. Sadly though I don't think I will continue being on this site cause of the arrogant voters; On top of that it seems that people don't really know the difference between Critique and Criticism. I know that in the definition of Critique, Criticism is in it. But I am more talking of about example: "I would suggest you do such and such instead of such and such next time", that is HELPFUL. The more helpful a comment is the less likely someone will take offense to it. Making rude comments is not helpful, they are demeaning and make a person feel worthless.

Originally posted by FrankRobinson:

Hi Rachel - welcome to the Critique Zone!

Having read your bio, I hope that you will not take any of this as 'bashing' and that there will be something in here of interest to you... but it's all subjective.

it was pretty obvious at first glance what this is, and I really like your concept. You had the chance to take a really nice technical picture of the moon, but with nothing else in the frame it would have been a little dull, all been done before. So I really like that you went with something a bit different - and it really nearly worked. The score doesn't reflect that, the score reflects that voters spend less than 30 secs on average per photo.

With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, what would I have liked to see different? Small stuff really. A little more definition on the branch? I know that you have a fixed aperture here so that's tricky and would need some juggling. Just enough though so that it looks like a branch rather than a shadow. A slightly darker background which you could do in post processing - more contrast perhaps? That would make the moon 'pop' more and the branch more obvious.

I would also look at the composition - if you could frame it so that the branch was a little lower, caressing the edge of the moon rather than going over the middle, I think it might look good - also with the circular subject, a square crop would look really good here. Like this maybe?

I reckon this was a hair away from being a 6.2+ shot. Keep going - you are getting some really good results from this lens.

Happy hunting,

08/14/2012 01:56:13 PM
Hi Rachel - welcome to the Critique Zone!

Having read your bio, I hope that you will not take any of this as 'bashing' and that there will be something in here of interest to you... but it's all subjective.

it was pretty obvious at first glance what this is, and I really like your concept. You had the chance to take a really nice technical picture of the moon, but with nothing else in the frame it would have been a little dull, all been done before. So I really like that you went with something a bit different - and it really nearly worked. The score doesn't reflect that, the score reflects that voters spend less than 30 secs on average per photo.

With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, what would I have liked to see different? Small stuff really. A little more definition on the branch? I know that you have a fixed aperture here so that's tricky and would need some juggling. Just enough though so that it looks like a branch rather than a shadow. A slightly darker background which you could do in post processing - more contrast perhaps? That would make the moon 'pop' more and the branch more obvious.

I would also look at the composition - if you could frame it so that the branch was a little lower, caressing the edge of the moon rather than going over the middle, I think it might look good - also with the circular subject, a square crop would look really good here. Like this maybe?

I reckon this was a hair away from being a 6.2+ shot. Keep going - you are getting some really good results from this lens.

Happy hunting,

  Photographer found comment helpful.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/07/2012 05:50:20 PM
What an excellent capture of the beautiful moon.
08/01/2012 04:44:53 PM
Nice with the foregground bokeh.

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