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Hurricane Season
Hurricane Season

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Travel Guides (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A70
Location: North Miami, Florida
Date: Sep 5, 2004
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/640 sec.
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Sep 5, 2004

Many travel guides advise tourists against visiting locations during Hurricane season. I took the liberty of capturing this shot carefully during Frances' push through Miami. I (barely) stood on the pier as a strong storm band blazed across Biscayne Bay. This was the result.

Rotate, crop, applied "Anvil" setting from virtualPhotographer and later darkened the edges slightly to enhance the aged 'Lomo-like' effect reminescent of old Hurricane style documentary photos.

Place: 130 out of 189
Avg (all users): 5.2283
Avg (commenters): 5.3889
Avg (participants): 4.9273
Avg (non-participants): 5.5321
Views since voting: 907
Views during voting: 334
Votes: 219
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/12/2004 11:51:21 PM
Wow, this makes we want to visit this place (a bit sarcastic, perhaps!). Thanks for braving the weather to bring us this photo! It surely captures the drama here!
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09/12/2004 05:16:08 PM
Who needs garbageman, just sit it outside lol
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09/12/2004 12:32:59 AM
Wow! I love the grain in this shot. Hope you were somewhere safe. This would be a reason not to go to Florida methinks. Classic looking storm shot though. 8
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09/11/2004 03:55:03 PM
If this was in a travel guide i may not go there :)
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09/10/2004 02:15:00 PM
One more comment for the "I'm not sure if I would ever see this in a travel guide!" section...
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09/10/2004 07:16:36 AM
very brave - was this in florida? you have certainly captured the drama, and i think the noise / graininess of the image works especially well in this case. the burning at the sides is another nice touch. very good shot, and splendid choice for the challenge - so few people posted shots of negative things. 9.
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09/09/2004 08:13:25 PM
Sending people into Florida this week would not be a profitable business, unless you worked for the Red Cross or the National Guard. Residence there probably are going to want a totally different kind of image in the travel guide...
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09/08/2004 06:16:29 PM
Wow I dont have to guess where that is....
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09/08/2004 03:39:18 AM
Interesting idea... not sure that this would be a good travel guide picture. I like it though.
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09/07/2004 12:26:26 PM
Courageous shot but I can't imagine it being put in a travel guide saying "come see our hurricanes, get a chance to die..." I like the B&W, the grain, and the black corner.
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09/07/2004 10:40:38 AM
I don't think this would play well in a travel brochure. That being said, it does a good job of portraying the emotion and power of the weather
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09/06/2004 08:06:05 PM
?travel guide or don't travel guide?
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09/06/2004 04:57:16 PM
Cool one, but only attractive to a small number of people, i.e. the ones who'd buy "The Storm Chaser's Guide to ....?"
Looks cold and wet...
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09/06/2004 10:19:56 AM
Even though the picture is very pixelated it adds to the mood. I think converting this to B & W was the correct choice. 6
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09/06/2004 10:05:46 AM
The sky is too grainy. If you could work the grain out of the sky the photo would be very good.
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09/06/2004 08:49:13 AM
Give me an address I want to go visit there. Otherwise good.
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09/06/2004 08:23:09 AM
Is this shot to keep the tourists away ? :)
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09/06/2004 01:37:48 AM
reminds me of something i'd see in a surf shop. i kinda like the rustic look too.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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