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You are viewing 367th place.
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wanderfull life
wanderfull life

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Backlighting (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-5000Z
Location: egypt(red sea)
Date: Sep 5, 2004
Aperture: 1/100
Shutter: f4.8
Date Uploaded: Sep 5, 2004


Place: 367 out of 367
Avg (all users): 2.3574
Avg (commenters): 1.6750
Avg (participants): 2.1277
Avg (non-participants): 2.5956
Views since voting: 2068
Views during voting: 400
Votes: 277
Comments: 42
Favorites: 0

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09/15/2004 10:20:23 AM
great shot
great lightning
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/14/2004 10:39:57 PM
The picture did not appear on my screen. Only black with blue/grey gostly smudges.
09/14/2004 04:18:28 PM
Sorry - I can't get what you are telling me. To dark and too small as well.
09/14/2004 03:12:41 PM
Not sure where the backlighting is coming from in this shot?
09/14/2004 02:24:57 PM
This was too dark for me to see any detail.
09/14/2004 05:40:46 AM
Sorry don't understand this one, please explain?
09/14/2004 03:38:18 AM
There is no light here.
09/13/2004 07:38:37 PM
I don't know why the program is allowing me to vote on this image for a second time, but it's still too dark for me to see much.
09/13/2004 03:02:12 AM
I bet you get a lot of comments on this photo. I just "get it." What is the subject?
09/12/2004 07:56:34 PM
I can not tell what this is and i surely do not see the light...
09/12/2004 04:54:37 PM
I can't tell what this is a picture of.
09/12/2004 03:47:20 PM
Wonderfull Life????? Im not sure what im supposed to see here.
09/12/2004 10:50:58 AM
Just gotta ask, what is this? 5
09/12/2004 10:39:01 AM
There just isn't much image at all which shows on my screen. No way to tell what it is and whether or not it complies with the challenge. Sorry.
09/11/2004 06:48:15 PM
Maybe it's just my monitor, but this is so dark I can see no detail at all.
09/11/2004 12:15:13 AM
It's a little too dark. I can't really tell what it is a picture of. Your title indicates it may be waterfall, but there is not enough detail for this to be backlighitng.
09/10/2004 09:52:19 PM
Sorry but it is so dark that I can't see it! May be the download.
09/10/2004 07:46:23 PM
What is it?
09/10/2004 03:01:37 PM
what am i looking at? fish in the water? wouldnt the light be coming from up above?
09/10/2004 12:18:17 PM
I think you will recieve a lot of comments on this one and they all read: WHAT IS THIS?
Am I warm? Picture is too dark, too small and can't make out what this is suposed to be.
I think you will probably be the brown ribbon winner this time.
09/09/2004 10:05:08 PM
I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're trying to depict here.
09/09/2004 01:15:54 PM
I'm afraid I can't tell at all what you were going for here... sorry :(
09/09/2004 06:47:21 AM
I don't think this will do to well, it is very very dark, no sign of lighting at all. And you have spellt the first word wrong.
09/09/2004 06:45:45 AM
Too obscure. I don't know what it is or how it fits into backlighting.
09/09/2004 04:25:42 AM
too dark for me
09/09/2004 03:17:21 AM
I can't really see anything...sorry.
09/09/2004 02:02:51 AM
this is very dark. i can't tell what i am looking at even with the title.
09/08/2004 11:56:09 PM
Nope. Can't tell what it is.
09/08/2004 11:06:43 PM
What is it? Too small, dark, and grainy.
09/08/2004 08:59:49 PM
I am not sure what I am looking at here.
09/08/2004 02:46:51 PM
Care to explain how this fits into the subject matter? I'm lost... :(
09/08/2004 01:38:33 PM
Sorry I can't see anything...
09/08/2004 11:32:25 AM
This is really dark.
09/08/2004 11:13:40 AM
Sorry. I can't make this out.
09/08/2004 10:03:17 AM
too dark and without contrasts
09/08/2004 08:20:47 AM
can't really tell what this is supposed to be
09/08/2004 06:29:09 AM
I'm sorry, too dark! The backlighting is not so evident and I can't understand which is the subject!
09/08/2004 03:58:15 AM
i can't see wat you are taking
09/08/2004 01:58:03 AM
09/08/2004 01:42:51 AM
I can't tell what this is
09/08/2004 01:34:37 AM
I can't tell what this is, it is way too dark
09/08/2004 12:51:03 AM
Too small. Too dark.

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