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Golden Light
Golden Light

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Masters' Free Study (Advanced Editing II*)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S602Z
Location: Bronx Zoo
Date: Sep 4, 2004
Galleries: Family, Animals
Date Uploaded: Sep 5, 2004


Place: 11 out of 69
Avg (all users): 7.4975
Avg (commenters): 8.4471
Avg (participants): 7.3448
Avg (non-participants): 7.5235
Views since voting: 7253
Views during voting: 980
Votes: 398
Comments: 102
Favorites: 36 (view)

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11/24/2006 07:59:34 PM
Whoa dude! Congrats on the honor of its use in the Primate Conservation exhibit! Such a magnificent image too. Well-deserved kudos. :-)
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10/25/2005 12:00:07 AM
sheer beauty!
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08/21/2005 09:14:54 AM
Well worthy of the master's free study. The honey colour, the looks on their faces, the texture of the fur, the blurred background, simply gorgeous.
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08/21/2005 09:06:27 AM
How could I have missed this? it is just exquisitely done not only with light and composition, but texture and detailing. Just a lovely capture.
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06/05/2005 08:39:29 AM
This shot is extraordinary! It really shows all the humanity that these incredible creatures have! Unique! :)
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10/09/2004 09:22:43 PM
Thanks for the comments everybody. It would have been great to make it on the first page of the master's results but I'm very happy to have received my highest score so far. Oh and the border was a mistake (sort of).

Message edited by author 2005-01-23 21:06:53.
10/09/2004 10:11:58 AM
Jason: Warm congtatulations on your 11th finish. A great image.
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10/08/2004 04:17:21 PM
A belated congrats, Jason. That light is amazing, and as stated below - National Geographic quality all the way. Your range of styles is fantastic. Congrats!
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10/08/2004 08:02:31 AM
Excellent! Superb placement for such a hard challenge and GREAT score. :)

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10/08/2004 12:52:09 AM
Hey Jason, cool. Congtatulations on your 11th placing. This is a superior image and one that guaranties to please. Outstanding work.
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10/08/2004 12:27:40 AM
Congrats on 11th man :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2004 11:44:23 PM
gorgeous lighting and such a sweet image...beautiful!
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10/07/2004 11:41:48 PM
I love the backlight effect.
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10/07/2004 11:34:40 PM
Very well done. You have composed this well to make me wonder what they're looking at.
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10/07/2004 11:34:29 PM
THis is another favorite of mine. I love the softness in this and the warmth from the golden tones. The expression of love and the child's helplessness are well presented in this charming portrait.
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10/07/2004 11:13:52 PM
Very interesting photo, great light and composition. (10)
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10/07/2004 11:04:37 PM
I'd like to see you dodge her face a little, so it's as well exposed as her little punkin's face. Amazing job given the lighting conditions that you must have had to work with. Back to add: remind me to ask you what shutter speed you used, because i'm guessing it was pretty slow, making this way more impressive. bump up in score.
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10/07/2004 10:45:35 PM
Would anyone freak out if I suggested the title Madonna and Child?
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10/07/2004 09:51:57 PM
Had to bump this up for the emotion it conveys. I never prefer shots of captivity... yet sometimes the story comes through... where this taken in the 'wilds' I would perceive a completely different concern on the mothers face. This is a great picture.
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10/07/2004 09:36:16 PM
The mix of light and dark makes the image very dramatic. I also love the golden tones. A small baby and mother clutched together while seeminly interrupted during nursing is a subject that is going to make most people melt and go awwww. A very touching shot.
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10/07/2004 05:01:58 PM
Great lighting.
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10/07/2004 05:01:02 PM
Seems a bit too dark.
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10/07/2004 03:07:28 PM
added this to my favourites early on, great picture 10
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10/07/2004 12:03:43 PM
Great composition and light, very nice image. I want to see it in top 10.
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10/07/2004 11:49:56 AM
This is such a beautiful photo. Love the light and the composition etc. One of my top picks. Hope it ribbons. 10
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10/07/2004 01:33:14 AM
what a moment to capture. love the lighting, but really love their expressions. great job!
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10/07/2004 01:23:03 AM
Cute picture of a mother and her child. Hair looks sharp almost too sharp. Colors are very nice with a few bright spots. 7
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10/06/2004 10:32:13 PM
What a sweet shot! Lovely golden color. Nice work.
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10/06/2004 03:17:57 PM
Stunning capture here. The lighting is SUPERB!
Bumping up a notch and one of mytop 5 favorites in this challenge ((9))
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10/06/2004 02:24:56 PM
The only reason why i gave this a 9 and not a 10 is the square. It's too static for this kind of scene imo.
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10/06/2004 02:18:41 PM
Great portrait. Very soft image. Looks more like painting, but I like it. I wish tehere was more detail on the front of the big monkey (lower part of the face and the chest), but then probably image couldn't be so soft.
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10/06/2004 01:58:29 PM
very awesome
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10/06/2004 11:52:45 AM
This is so precious. I love the softness and the lighting. Emotional impact is great. I do wish we could see the mamas hands though. 10
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10/06/2004 12:27:58 AM
Definitely National Geographic quality!
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10/05/2004 09:37:03 PM
Nice lighting but a little soft 7
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10/05/2004 08:47:13 PM
The color and subjects give this image the wow factor. wonderful used of lighting; congratulations.
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10/05/2004 07:28:08 PM
Nice lighting, love the warm colors too.
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10/05/2004 03:59:13 PM
Not much to say here, 10

I love the composition and the warm lightinh.
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10/05/2004 11:12:07 AM
Great picture - I like it a lot.
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10/05/2004 11:02:11 AM
Wow - what a moment. The backlighting really works to bring out the texture. The baby is stunning. Mom could use a bit more light on her face - but doubt if you could control that. Pose is very emotional, lots of aww factor. Border is way overdone.
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10/05/2004 11:00:42 AM
Great study. Wonderful color and lighting.
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10/05/2004 12:06:00 AM
What a beautiful capture! I love the color and the lighting. I love the protective posture of the mother and the way the baby is maintaining contact. This is destined to be a classic! This is certainl deserving of a ribbon. I hope my 10 helps!
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10/04/2004 11:59:50 PM
Something about the crop and the shadow on the hands makes it look like she has no hands. Nice lighitng but a little dark in the face. The colours are very good.
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10/04/2004 11:06:04 PM

Might have cropped the left side slightly to remove some of the dark area. It tends to hold your eye.
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10/04/2004 06:49:39 PM
wonderful picture, great use of natural lighting.8
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10/04/2004 05:07:07 PM
Outstanding color and lighting.
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10/04/2004 01:23:16 PM
This is such a great picture. It makes you feel good to look at it. I am especially drawn to pictures of animals and wildlife, so even though I would have liked the lighting to show the faces a little more contrasted against the background, I'm giving it a 9 because it's just such a neat picture.
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10/04/2004 07:55:17 AM
The soft lighting and pose of the monkeys almost looks like a painting. The mother looks like she is looking with a knowing gaze while the baby has somewhat of a quizzical look. Excellent setup and interesting picture. Good job.
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10/04/2004 02:05:56 AM
great lighting
nice composition
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10/03/2004 11:12:19 PM
What a wonderful shot. I love animal shots to begin with and you really captured a feeling here. The motherly warmth and the innocent child. The light is a bit harsh on the right but the soft focus works so well with it, helps diffuse it so it doesn't really hurt. A 10
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10/03/2004 04:54:30 PM
OH MAN this is excellent! This is real quality stuff, magazine quality, natgeo style, I love this... the colors are beautiful, and that baby, my god...so adorable! Thanks!
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10/03/2004 04:21:54 PM
Love the color the light brought out here. Like a dream or a movie. Awesome job! 10
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10/03/2004 04:17:23 PM
Monkey pictures? The lighting is nice but when I put a shot of a gorilla in my portfolio, its normally a goof. The teat is too disturbing , and the knee/thigh is the focal point. I realize that many times you can control a scene and the lighting but if you advertise the lighting in the title, you best be aware that the composition is influenced by the lighting and the focal point is most likely where the darkest point meets the lightest point.
On the brighter side, This could be the king of all primate nude shots.
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10/03/2004 10:21:01 AM
The lighting rocks! I love the mood of this shot.
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10/03/2004 07:39:09 AM
A touch too soft - apart from that only one word - perfect and my fave of the challenge.
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10/03/2004 07:31:11 AM
This is certainly a masterful job of capturing/emphasizing/manipulating light ! Color and tone are equisite and you've captured a wonderfully tender and intimate moment. Only problem I see with this image is that the hands are cut off, right one in darkness and left one by crop. Still, an excellent picture. 9
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10/03/2004 06:44:52 AM
Wonderful photo... it's a shame that the main pof (the main monkey's face) is so dark... I wish this was a lot lighter. Everything else is wonderful, although the texture of the hairs seems a bit soft. I love the baby's expression. 7
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10/03/2004 04:06:20 AM
Good use of lighting.
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10/02/2004 11:26:02 PM
A beautiful and tender image. Perhaps a trite too orange but neverthe less a very appropiate tone. It is an image that is immerorial since it deals with the intrinsic triangle of life, Mother , father and child, though the father is implied. This is a loving study that will touch the heart of any viewer. Bumping up.
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10/02/2004 09:50:09 PM
wowwie this is one amazing photo :D for starters i really hope this rates highly!!! secondly i love the tones generated from the light.... the reflection of the light on the hair is wonderful and i highly commend you for being able to capture it in such a way! i love the natural background as well i believe it provides and elegant soft touch and if anyone wishes to see it removed then i reckon you should not listen to them ;) hehehe :P congrats once again on such a wonderful photo :)
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10/02/2004 07:24:30 PM
I like the composition a great deal, but the image as a whole seems too soft.
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10/02/2004 06:42:43 PM
good luck, wonderful photo - 9
my only thought is the mothers right hand seems chopped
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10/02/2004 05:07:33 PM
Honestly one of the most captivating and beautiful entries of the challenge... well done!
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10/02/2004 03:37:21 PM
Really good shot here! The different tones in this are briliant, really brings out a lot of detail! 9
10/02/2004 03:27:55 PM
I gave this an 8 the first time around. But then I came back to comment and I bumped it to a 10. Now, I cannot recall or find any reason to have given an 8 to begin with. The lighting is superior to anything in this challenge. Considering the coloring of the subject the lighting is perfect. What a soft glow on the hair. Then consider the emotion presented. What an awesome choice of subject and great setup. All I can say is wow.
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10/02/2004 03:25:55 PM
I'd like to see more of the adult face, butit might have ruined the effect of the backlighting.
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10/02/2004 12:01:13 PM
Wow! Absolutely incredible wildlife photo! It moves me on a number of levels and what amazing light you had to shot it! Going in my favorites! 10
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10/02/2004 10:45:32 AM
Very soft, but you manage to get some excellent details here, too, so it's a nice mix for me. The light is very lovely, and the subject captivating. My eye tends to go to those very bright spots, so even though I like the effect, it might be nice to experiment a little with using those attention getting areas to better frame the faces or something. Anyway, a very nice photo. 8
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10/02/2004 09:22:26 AM
You truly belong in this challenge.
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10/02/2004 02:33:50 AM
Oh wow this is beautiful. What a wonderful portrait lovely tones and colour
I just wish there was just a little more light on the mothers face the baby is perfect
Really well done and I think a Ribbon winner my favorite so far
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10/02/2004 01:17:23 AM
wow! great lighting and subject
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10/01/2004 10:59:09 PM
they are cute little cousins - 6
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10/01/2004 10:45:50 PM
Nice catch on the light. Also did a great job catching the two models looking the same way. Only thing I am not sure about is whether the border helps or not.
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10/01/2004 09:01:32 PM
Yours is one of the best this time around. superb composition and very impressive use of light. It looks to me as thought they are just about to run from an intruder in the left side shadows. Your title may have went that way also. Top notch shot...10
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10/01/2004 08:52:56 PM
I wish I could give you more than a 10.
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10/01/2004 08:40:58 PM
Too bad they weren't facing the light. Still makes for a great shot with a warm tone and fantastic subjects. I gave a (10)
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10/01/2004 07:54:32 PM
Wonderful shot, well done!!
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10/01/2004 07:03:34 PM
Over all this photograph is amazing!...your lighting, composition, and emotion are perfect, a beautiful image. Good luck, my pick for the Blue
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10/01/2004 06:28:42 PM
This is beautifully highlighted, only wish their eyes had catchlight in them.
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10/01/2004 06:05:08 PM
Beautiful, and the light is magnificent.
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10/01/2004 05:05:46 PM
This is a great shot! I love capturing animals, and you've done a good job doing that here. I wish the background were lighter, though. 7
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10/01/2004 04:13:41 PM
That is certainly a beautiful golden light and it really does bring out the fur beautifully. I like the pose of the baby within the mother's lap. I'd prefer to see some more detail in the eyes though. 7 (//www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=129433)
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10/01/2004 03:54:33 PM
nice shot with interesting color - would have liked to see more of the faces
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10/01/2004 03:38:42 PM
This is so precious, I wish the eyes of the mommy were a little more in focus, great photo, 10
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10/01/2004 03:38:40 PM
One of my favorites. I keep coming back to it. The golden color is incredible. It is amazing to me that you could bring a brown subject out from a brown background that well. Super job. I just bumped it up a point!
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10/01/2004 03:27:48 PM
Awesome, I really love the light here, its what makes this shot really special. Great job and good luck!
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10/01/2004 03:19:32 PM
Wow, this is amazing- the coloration on the fur is awesome- its so golden and the gazes on the chimps' faces are so emotional, they look so serious and purposeful- great job 10!
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10/01/2004 03:05:43 PM
The lighting is more dramatic than I'm used to seeing on wildlife prints, but I *really* like it. You've not only captured a subject of natural history, but you've done so in an artistic manner. Great work!
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10/01/2004 02:56:06 PM
One of the most beautiful images with monkey's I have ever seen. The golden glow on the fur, the position, the expressions, the background, it all fits very well together and expresses a great tenderness and caring atmosphere. I would have liked to see a bit more light in the mothers face, but realise you can't have it all, it is not all under your control and you have to catch the moment.
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10/01/2004 02:48:24 PM
I absolutely love this. The lighting is perfect. Plus, I have an addiction to spider monkeys - tried to shoot wild ones in Costa Rica and the majority didn't turn out b/c of bad sunlight. The only thing that would make this a perfect 10 is if the feet and hands were showing. However, the emotion and drama is definitely caputred regardless.
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10/01/2004 02:29:25 PM
Looks like a museum model... the soft focus and shallow DOF really make this shot, and the unseen element off to the side creates interest. The fur detail is great.
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10/01/2004 11:48:38 AM
Beautiful warm colours creates a feeling of warmth for this comforting motherly subject.
Backlighting makes this shot as the subjects "softly" stand out to draw your attention to them.
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10/01/2004 11:00:18 AM
wonderful lighting on the fur. a great momenet captured between mom and baby. the overall lighting looks very dark to me, however, hiding many details that may have been evident in the shot.
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10/01/2004 09:47:37 AM
Beautiful lighting. The frame is a bit big but it is very minor. Great shot because of the golden colors and the expressions of your subjects.
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10/01/2004 09:24:41 AM
Beautiful capture - well done!
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10/01/2004 06:42:49 AM
This photo is absolutely perfect. I think the grey border spoils it and should be black or not there at all, but I can't take any marks off for that. If this was my shot I would be tempted to just make it B&W straight away but I'm so glad you left it in colour as it works really well after looking at it for a while. 10
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10/01/2004 06:27:06 AM
What an amazing image! I love the lighting (although I bet some say too dark) and such a natural, unstartled expression on both mother and baby. Well done (10)
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10/01/2004 02:28:52 AM
The title says it all; the light is just exceptional and outstanding in this wonderful capture.
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10/01/2004 02:26:57 AM
Yes the light is very special here as your title suggests. Sweet scene of mother and baby too.
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10/01/2004 12:49:21 AM
The lighting you have here is extremely gorgeous. It really helps set this photograph apart from your common wildlife photo. The baby could easily have been hidden in the shadows, but it stands right out here. The mother's face is a touch dark to me, but otherwise it's a very strong photograph.
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10/01/2004 12:48:41 AM
Beautiful Monkeys. I like the burning you did around the edges. Really makes them pop.
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10/01/2004 12:40:06 AM
Beautiful capture... the warmth of the light and the 'love' in this photo is quite radiant. There is also a small element of mystery here that is quite intriguing... something to frame left has their attention :) It could be some goon with a camera :D

I love the way monkeys resemble humans... or possibly the other way around... They are simply intriguing because of this... excellent work :) = 10
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