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Market Street
Market Street

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Travel Guides (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Date: Sep 2, 2004
Aperture: f/ 6.3
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/416 sec.
Galleries: Cityscape, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Sep 5, 2004

Shot from 20th and Market down towards City Hall. I took this on two successive days and I liked the 2nd days shots because of the cloud reflections on the BlueX building on the left. Post: Perspective correction, one step photo fix in PSP8,USM,layer adjustment for hue and saturation. Very noisy. Ran Image Doctor JPEG repair at a low level. Still noisy so ran it through NeatImage. USM, resize, USM.

Place: 32 out of 189
Avg (all users): 6.2654
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 6.0357
Avg (non-participants): 6.5253
Views since voting: 1211
Views during voting: 340
Votes: 211
Comments: 24
Favorites: 4 (view)

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09/17/2004 01:19:54 AM
THanks for the critique, John! Glad to hear I am doing something right....at times, anyways :)!
09/16/2004 04:23:49 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club :)

Hi Banmorn...

This is an excellent urban architectural photo. I must also add that you did an excellent job with your perspective correction in this photo. Most people don't take that little extra effort and it makes a huge difference in the results :) Reading your notes, I'm also impressed that you shot this scene over a period of two days in an effort to find the best possible time/conditions for the image. This type of effort is often what it takes to make a successful photo. I see tons of images here on DPChallenge that have potential, but just don't succeed because the photographer didn't take the time and effort to make it work as you have here.

This composition just works nicely. The two buildings on the sides nicely frame the architecture of the center building and help bring the viewer right to that point.

Excellent work :)

John Setzler
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09/13/2004 09:39:22 PM
Thanks, m!
09/13/2004 07:03:23 PM
knew it was you~~great showing here rob... i really liked this entry, perfect tone.
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09/13/2004 08:57:45 AM
09/13/2004 01:27:54 AM
I loved this shot because of its good definition and breat colors.
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09/13/2004 01:07:01 AM
Thanks Kylie and Mike! I appreciate. Thanks everyone for the comments during the challenge as well. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
09/13/2004 12:29:03 AM
I am really disappointed in the scoring on this photo. This should have been top 10. This could easily be the cover photo on a travel guide. It had my 10 vote.
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09/13/2004 12:10:56 AM
Thought this was yours!! Was a "10" for me!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/12/2004 10:49:55 PM
A nice geometry lesson.
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09/12/2004 02:42:36 PM
this is fantastic. meets challenge and is beautifully cratted and well executed. congrats.
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09/12/2004 12:17:57 PM
I like the way you have divided the image up into thirds.
Also the use of differing shapes in those thirds helps to keep the image interesting. Nicely done.
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09/12/2004 05:57:35 AM
there is a lot that i admire about this image. i love the geometric qualities of the composition, it's very isometric in appearance which is quite different. colours are pleasantly spread across the shot too, moving from blue to a sany cream with the central buildings comprising both. and the building on the far left is gorgeous - i would be most tempted to get lots of shots of that one. technically, i think this is a wonderful piece. emotionally though it doesn't do all that much for me, but i'm not sure why. it is a very strong, visually appealling shot, but with something missing. no idea what. still - 8.
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09/11/2004 07:38:41 PM
beautiful poster-like image. razor sharp and adoring colors. Bumping up.
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09/11/2004 06:08:40 PM
Great viewpoint and lovely lighting. Subject is detailed and well shot.
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09/10/2004 03:30:57 PM
Tempted to put simply 'correct' here :-) Absolutely the right use of a detail shot to convey a wider impression. The severe brightness of the central building's windows might have been controlled a litttle better, I think, it just verges too close to burn-out to my eye. Otherwise, a fine shot.
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09/10/2004 01:01:59 AM
awesome color and perspective!
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09/09/2004 10:16:59 PM
Nice shot...part of me expects to see more at the bottom and wishes it wasn't cut off there...

Good shot, and overall I think it's well composed.
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09/08/2004 08:32:41 PM
This is my favorite in the competition. Love the colors and the angles. Good one!
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09/06/2004 05:58:37 PM
A very interesting and unique view of the buildings. A slight rotate to the right would have really helped this I think, as I find myself wanting to tilt my head too much. Nice shot
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09/06/2004 02:34:23 PM
This is my choice for the best photo in this challenge. If it doesn't score high, we need to have our heads examined. The architecture, combined with the lighting, combined with the reflections of the sky just makes it stand out far and above the other photos. GREAT JOB!
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09/06/2004 10:15:21 AM
wow...that was what I said when I saw yiur shot. great!
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09/06/2004 04:05:14 AM
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09/06/2004 02:08:06 AM
Great shot. One of the best. 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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