FWIW - You\'ve picked a tough scene to edit - a night shot with bright lights, but not enough distance to blend the lights into a pattern. First, I agree with giantmike that the left side of the photo really is distracting. My impression is that your subject was really the lit fence, and your choices were made in order to show the fence. IMO, this image wants to be more about the church - so, I\'d suggest a tight crop; maybe even a fill-the-frame. Next, the church is distorted by the lens and perspective, so a bit of distortion correction may be helpful (so the left and right sides don\'t slope in opposite directions - especially towards the top). Horizontally, it is pretty close to level, but might be a bit better. Finally, on an image like this, you kind-of have to make a choice between pp for the lights (typically leaving the back & buildings dark) or for the building (typically resulting in blown out areas in & around the lights) - maybe others would have suggestions on how to resolve that dilemma...
Edmonds, WA, huh? What a beautiful area to do photography in! I have family in the Everett, Snohomish area. |