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Portfolio Images
walking through milk
walking through milk

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dairy II (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Blandscapes
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon FL 55mm f/1.2
Location: Hardwick, NJ
Date: Feb 10, 2013
Aperture: 1.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 8000
Date Uploaded: Feb 10, 2013

blended calculations on multiply. curved for more contrast.

no possibility of camera shake whatsoever.

Place: 60 out of 60
Avg (all users): 3.6389
Avg (commenters): 5.0000
Avg (participants): 3.6053
Avg (non-participants): 3.6571
Views since voting: 467
Views during voting: 213
Votes: 108
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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02/24/2013 12:02:12 AM
LOL! Indeed. Not many shutter speeds top that.
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02/21/2013 01:43:15 PM
Milk with brownies! Congrats...
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02/21/2013 12:51:57 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club

Interesting to see this was the lowest scoring image in the challenge, it was a long way from the lowest scoring image in the challenge for me!

I like the composition, the footsteps leading us through the milk snow. Wonderful shadows coming from the lovely light.

Out of focus? hm, no I think not. Incredibly shallow depth of field coming from using a 1.2 aperture - undoubtedly. The bits that need to be are perfectly focused.

I can see the connection to the challenge clearly, but that may have something to do with my locale as well. Tiberius says it well in his comment below.

I'm sure the low score is due to the DNMC votes you have undoubtedly received.
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02/20/2013 09:52:19 PM
It takes one to sit on the Trans-Siberian for 6 days and nights in winter and look outside and feel like you are sunk in milk to relate to this image.

I can relate...

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02/19/2013 02:26:58 PM
Tenuous tie-in, but lovely photo.
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02/19/2013 10:43:01 AM
A lovely brown.
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02/18/2013 12:49:47 PM
thank you. I don't even think those are human tracks. I think they're deer tracks, but they seemed like better footprints than actual footprints.
02/18/2013 11:17:03 AM
Never understood why this doesn't relate to folks.

For me, the path has always had strong meaning - a metaphor for the course of one's life, the result(s) of a choice, walking alone, walking with others, overcoming difficulty or discomfort (like walking barefoot through the snow), etc.

I especially like the "contrarian" shadows of branches crossing the path.
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02/18/2013 12:05:29 AM
I beat out some fierce competition.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/17/2013 10:07:58 PM
Silly title. Great composition.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/17/2013 08:56:17 AM
Out of focus.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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