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Touch my smile!
Touch my smile!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Touch (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S1 IS
Location: Black Sea
Date: Sep 18, 2004
Date Uploaded: Sep 18, 2004


Place: 257 out of 283
Avg (all users): 4.0602
Avg (commenters): 5.0909
Avg (participants): 3.8636
Avg (non-participants): 4.1987
Views since voting: 732
Views during voting: 356
Votes: 266
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/28/2004 11:40:43 AM
Did you enter this picture solely for the sake of entering the contest? Or did you think that saying touch in the title constituted an acceptable entry?
09/27/2004 09:00:37 PM
I love the crop and the composition, (and of course the smile!). It seems a bit too contrasty though. Apparently sunlight, it is a little too harsh...blowout of the hat and cheek and a little too dark across the face. I bet it's a favorite of the models though as it seem to really show him. Good job.
09/26/2004 06:32:20 PM
Perfect lips. Cropped perfectly.
09/26/2004 11:32:04 AM
My personal preferences are to more literal interpretations of the challenge subjects. If I had this image without the title, I would have guessed you were saying something about scratchy beards or something. Nice cropping and focus though. Also picked up the details in the dark areas pretty well. Good luck with the challenge.
09/24/2004 06:44:28 PM
more light in the eyes.
09/23/2004 05:54:30 PM
The photo doesn't seems to be specially exceptionnal.
However, you achieved interaction with your viewer. I really raised my hand, wanting to touch this face.
I do not understand how, but you did it!
09/23/2004 04:49:32 AM
I think a little fill flash would have reduced the contrast ratio, the hat ahadow is too strong IMHO
09/23/2004 12:04:13 AM
Nice, interesting, portrait.
09/22/2004 04:38:10 PM
yummy lips
09/22/2004 03:52:58 PM
No way! Please be consistent with the challenge theme.
09/22/2004 03:43:58 PM
he's cute allright

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