Author | Thread |
12/25/2006 01:48:09 PM |
This is a great image. I looked at it just before the STICKY challenge and was sure there would be a handfull of copy cats. |
06/14/2005 05:11:39 PM |
ehm? I have tried melting marshmallows in the microwave for weird artistic purposes, and that stuff is really nasty and hard to remove after it has cooled down (and it cools down pretty fast)
Had any troubles with removing it from the face? Good thing you didn't get that in your facial hair :) |
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10/01/2004 12:50:56 PM |
Very groovy shot, David! Congratulations on the ribbon! |
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09/30/2004 02:25:22 AM |
Congradulations on your red ribbon. I think the green bandana in the background really adds a depth to this shot. Well done. |
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09/30/2004 02:04:46 AM |
You always come up with some kind of clever idea :)) Congrats! |
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09/29/2004 05:58:55 PM |
Congratulations on your ribbon, I love the lighting and the sticky situation presented, well done! |
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09/29/2004 12:14:43 PM |
Didn't your folks teach you not to play with food ?? :)
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09/29/2004 10:59:53 AM |
Congratulations, an excellent blend of amusement and beauty ! Great lighting ,too! |
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09/29/2004 10:59:19 AM |
Congratulations. Perfect fit for this challenge. |
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09/29/2004 10:12:45 AM |
The twinkle in your daughter's eye is just wonderful. Congratulations. |
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09/29/2004 08:42:47 AM |
great photo, thought it would win, hands down.
would love to see the outtakes..... |
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09/29/2004 07:37:37 AM |
For sure my favorite for this challenge. Congratulations. And of course it would be nice to see the outakes!! |
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09/29/2004 07:12:22 AM |
I really like this shot!! A well deserved red! Congrats! |
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09/29/2004 06:11:23 AM |
Creative!! A great photo, and a well deserved ribbon! Congrats! |
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09/29/2004 05:37:11 AM |
Congrats on your well deserved ribbon. Original and good photo. |
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09/29/2004 04:24:21 AM |
Congrats on a wonderful image, very creative, fantastic lighting and a beautiful model, what lovely eyes! You deserve your Ribbon
I am in awe! |
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09/29/2004 03:58:25 AM |
This was one of my favorits this challenge.
Congrats on your well deserved ribbon! |
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09/29/2004 03:26:58 AM |
Really creative, excellent shot. Congrats on the red ! |
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09/29/2004 02:08:13 AM |
congratulations :))
it was one of my favourites |
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09/29/2004 01:07:58 AM |
Congratulations on second place! Very nice photo! |
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09/29/2004 12:41:26 AM |
Congratulations David! What a great interpretation of the challenge. |
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09/29/2004 12:35:18 AM |
would love to see the outtakes |
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09/29/2004 12:32:37 AM |
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09/29/2004 12:13:17 AM |
Incredible image...a well deserved second. Congratulations! |
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09/29/2004 12:03:39 AM |
Congratulations on your red with this truly sticky masterpiece. |
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09/29/2004 12:01:57 AM |
Congrats David, a very creative idea! |
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09/29/2004 12:01:44 AM |
congrats on your red ribbon! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
09/28/2004 10:28:43 PM |
returning for comments.
is this not gooy or what? Very nice capture with good lighting.
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09/28/2004 09:31:00 PM |
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09/28/2004 03:11:50 PM |
Original, I like it. This will end up high, top 10 is my guess. |
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09/27/2004 11:29:55 PM |
Awesome! The lighting is great and it makes the one eye so captivating. THis shot truly draws me in. 10 from me. |
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09/27/2004 08:48:03 PM |
Very well done! The lighting is excellent. Reminds me of my kids! |
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09/27/2004 09:38:07 AM |
This is nice. I can feel the stickyness of this situation. The dof, lighting and color on the models head are very effective. Good job. |
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09/26/2004 01:18:07 PM |
Why is she so serious? She should be happy with so nice picture! |
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09/25/2004 04:32:53 PM |
Ahhhhh better, a good photo. Thanks for giving me a bit of art within this challenge. Much better then 99% of the rest. well deserved 8 |
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09/25/2004 02:50:48 AM |
What can I say? Great color, lighting, highlights, and perfect background for this shot. I can feel the stickiness on my fingers as I type. Great job! |
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09/25/2004 02:41:16 AM |
Superb photograph! Technically well done, emotionally very appealing. I like the lighting, seeing only one eye. Fits the challenge. You should place high with this winner. |
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09/24/2004 07:17:30 PM |
perfect use of light, her left eye is where I end up with my eyes.
This will be one of my top choices |
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09/24/2004 05:49:23 PM |
Neat! To me this almost looks like two phtos, the girls portrait, and someone elses hands with the sticky stuff on them in front... I hope you got a photo of the girl without the stick stuff in front... With this lighting it'd make a really nice 'moody' portrait. Capturing the eye looking through the threads of goop is great, and she is showing no emotion towards the sticky stuff.. There appears to be a bit of motion blur or out of focus on her left hand, but that's only minor, on the whole a great photo.. 8 for me. |
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09/24/2004 05:22:02 PM |
Eeewww, yuck! What IS that crud? Love the way you showed it, with the one eye looking through, all the stringy parts pulled taut, and the bright contrasts with dark background, including the effect of having the head floating behind everything (no neck showing). The green/yellow/red colors at the top might have been less distracting if replaced by pure black, but, Hey! That's just me again. Great image. Good luck with the challenge. |
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09/24/2004 02:40:27 PM |
Great representation of the challenge! I feel like I should wash my hands just from *looking* at this! One of my few 10s this time around. Awesome lighting! |
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09/24/2004 11:54:39 AM |
Ewww. One sticky mess. Very well done. Not crazy about the border. |
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09/23/2004 08:17:51 PM |
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09/23/2004 01:24:16 AM |
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09/22/2004 11:36:18 PM |
Nice tonal range, excellent color and use of subject. Makes the veiwer try and see beyond the sticky substance, to the person beyond.
Love the high lkey on the face.
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09/22/2004 09:52:47 PM |
THe lighting is FABULOUS, the content is wonderful (what a great idea), and the focus is spot on. Great. 10 |
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09/22/2004 09:30:28 PM |
Great concept. I think the lighting is a little too dramatic and I would have liked to have seen the girls other eye. Still, It's a good photo and worth my 7 |
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09/22/2004 07:46:46 PM |
great shot...very gooey...feelen this one....marshmellow fluf? |
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09/22/2004 05:47:36 PM |
Excellent !!!!!!. I think that this photo is the winner |
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09/22/2004 04:58:35 PM |
definately a ribbon winner here... |
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09/22/2004 04:15:29 PM |
stunning!! i love her look. |
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09/22/2004 02:52:04 PM |
very creative I like this one. Excellent contrast. 10 I changed my mind from a 9 to a 10 I thought on the right hand the focus was perfect but I can live with that. I really like that subject face and contrast. |
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09/22/2004 02:49:05 PM |
contrived... but such a good portrait 7 |
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09/22/2004 02:43:13 PM |
Very good in all ways. Good idea, good lighting and composition. The eye is right on. This is one of my favorites. |
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09/22/2004 01:49:34 PM |
I like everything about this. |
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09/22/2004 12:23:03 PM |
Good, I can feel the touch . 8
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09/22/2004 11:57:30 AM |
This is an incredible picture in so many ways! It's the best depiction of the challenge I've seen. It's done in a way that makes it look REALLY cool and interesting! The colors are striking, and so is the little girl ( what a brave little model she is), and it is crystal clear. What an undisputed 10! |
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09/22/2004 10:14:02 AM |
Mucho cool, maybe not my enterpretation of the sense of touch but technically very interesting and artistically apealing. |
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09/22/2004 09:32:59 AM |
Very well done, perfect lighting, great idea. A ribbon for sure. 10 |
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09/22/2004 09:13:43 AM |
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09/22/2004 07:13:21 AM |
Excellent image. Love the lighting on her face. I do find the highlights on the left hand wee bit harsh. But I think this image is superb. My top pick. 10 |
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09/22/2004 03:33:46 AM |
love this photo the focus on the girls eye through all the sticky stuff is fabulous |
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09/22/2004 12:45:41 AM |
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09/22/2004 12:33:27 AM |
Very cool idea, nice lighting too. (9) Good luck... |
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