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Story of an African farm
Story of an African farm

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: We Have A Story To Tell (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Portfolio
Date: Aug 6, 2013
Aperture: 6.3
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/1500
Date Uploaded: Aug 6, 2013

Doc summed it up beautifully. He too has African roots but Aldo’s comment almost had me in tears. I love this African farm, dearly. And I could almost hear Aldo’s voice mixed with Robert Redford’s as in Out of Africa.
The picture was hard to get, I went there three mornings in a row to get a story of an African farm a la Olive Schreiner but could not find one. This was shot the morning before the challenge rolled over. I was still on my way to the trees when I saw the jack ass covering a zebra mare. It was way too dark to get a decent shot and the dogs immediately went on the chase. I had to tone map and lost some of the wonderful colours at daybreak. (I seldom shoot sunsets!)
I got the story and some recognized at such. Thank you for the wonderful comments and to Doc, this was specially for you. Groete uit die Suide.

Place: 38 out of 91
Avg (all users): 5.8776
Avg (commenters): 7.2000
Avg (participants): 6.0196
Avg (non-participants): 5.7234
Views since voting: 434
Views during voting: 217
Votes: 98
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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08/14/2013 07:39:55 PM
Glad you found the comment appropriate (didn't mean to have anybody almost break in tears though :) )
Certainly the words of the Baroness suits the image well, or the other way around. I always have a sinking feeling when reading that "I had a farm in Africa", what a great opening..
Beautiful photograph, I am glad it was appreciated.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/13/2013 10:30:11 PM
this works.. love the golden light... kind of a Lion King setting but the animals are in the next chapter.
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08/13/2013 09:49:31 PM
Beautiful shot. This initially made me think of a fictional beastie eating another - but I think that maybe they are both zebras?
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08/13/2013 09:42:34 PM
Good tone and color and ambiguous animal activity. voted earlier
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08/13/2013 06:20:29 PM
it must be amazing
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08/13/2013 06:15:43 PM
Nice, horse porn!

Slippy would have been pleased.

Good image too btw, and a nice story of sorts.
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08/11/2013 10:39:26 PM
Absolutely gorgeous color and fantastic silhouette.
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08/11/2013 01:26:46 PM
Lovely. I love the way the hills in the background work with the trees.
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08/10/2013 07:58:48 AM
That is a real nice scene.
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08/10/2013 03:58:12 AM
I had a farm in Africa at the foot of the Ngong Hills. [...] There was no fat on it and no luxuriance anywhere; it was Africa distilled up through six thousand feet. like the strong and refined essence of a continent. The colours were dry and burnt. like the colours in pottery. The trees had a light delicate foliage, the structure of which was different from that of the trees in Europe; it did not grow in bows or cupolas, but in horizontal layers [...]

Good job, indeed a wonderful story..
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08/08/2013 05:57:43 AM
Hi-ho silver, whatta' you doing out there? LOL. Nature allowing the most beautiful acts of nature to procreate. Love the warm rich and refreshing use of a sunset to enhance the beauty of creating life for tomorrow!
Thank you for entering this wonderful work. Score 8
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08/07/2013 11:25:11 PM
Dirty, dirty horses. Lovely, lovely sunset.
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08/07/2013 12:05:33 PM
I love how the branches on the left look like horses lying down. Beautiful tones
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