I have family in Missouri, so I checked this place out. It's nowhere near them, but it looks like quite a remarkable little town. Remarkable in the fact that it's tiny! Wiki says its area is not even half a square mile.
With that said, I completely understand the drive-by photo of this abandoned gas station. I don't even see an operational gas station in Qulin from Google's maps. Wait, found one! It's absolutely the kind of place that you only stop in if you live there or know someone. Otherwise, you just drive through, as your photo represents.
The town also seems very proud of their past. I found mention that some say it could be compared to the old west with murders and trials to be had. Again, I feel your photo represents this too, even if you didn't intend it. Everything I've read about this little town is about their history, not their present or future. Their census data shows them to be relatively young, but the Google map shows little life to it. There's little in the way of new construction. Even the gas pumps are all the old 80s style pumps. All the local businesses seem like they've been there 50+ years, and don't look very well maintained. I did just find an elementary school building with a bright purple roof!
Maybe this little town is on the verge of a boom, and maybe in a few years your drive-by may show a completely different Qulin. For now though, your photo is very representative of the recent state of this little town in many ways. |