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The Beacon
The Beacon

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Masters' Free Study (Advanced Editing II*)
Collection: Nature/Outdoors
Camera: Nikon D100
Location: Presque Isle, Erie, PA
Date: Sep 26, 2004
Aperture: 10
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/80
Date Uploaded: Sep 27, 2004

A lighthouse at Presque Isle that dates from 1872. The 68-foot tower is maintained by the Coast Guard.

Place: 68 out of 69
Avg (all users): 5.7569
Avg (commenters): 6.0455
Avg (participants): 5.5000
Avg (non-participants): 5.8006
Views since voting: 1607
Views during voting: 726
Votes: 399
Comments: 50
Favorites: 0

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10/08/2004 08:59:49 PM
great shot....a 9 from me
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10/08/2004 09:27:24 AM
Hey, there's no shame in being in the bottom of this pack :)

I had a much better idea that I spent several hours on very early one morning, but Mother Nature refused to cooperate... so I went with this as a last minute idea. I still like the shot, and enjoyed the rather consistent recommendations, although the actual landscape of this scene makes it rather difficult to come up with the vantage point many people are suggesting.

This was a fun challenge despite my personal outcome, and this is certainly a batch that I'll review from time to time for inspiration!
10/08/2004 07:39:41 AM
vastly underrated.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2004 11:28:23 PM
I think there's a little too much foreground here for my liking.
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10/07/2004 10:20:10 AM
Good colors and sharp.
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10/07/2004 01:28:20 AM
i think i would have like this more if it had been shot more from the right, so that the tower would be completely visible and so that the two trees on the right would not be in the image.
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10/06/2004 08:38:35 PM
Nice shot but I would like to see more of the house/lighthouse, they look interesting 7
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10/06/2004 03:18:02 PM
I would've try a different angle (more to the right), focus on the beacon alone (and the surrounding trees, which give beautiful framing and contrast to the red r9oof and walls) and cropped the sand.
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10/06/2004 01:26:56 AM
i love the strength of the blue sky, can't help wishing i could see a little more of the beacon though
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10/06/2004 12:27:23 AM
For the masters' challenge I would have expected something a little more interested. Maybe a different angle or something would make this a better picture. It's just cluttered. Maybe get closer to it, grab a wide angle lens, walk up and get more of the building a lighthouse instead of all the sand and trees (4).
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10/05/2004 10:06:59 PM
You have captured my happy place. I am deeply moved by a sense of calm with this shot. Beatifully composed to be a hopeful, pretty, safe, warm and wonderful shot/ andx its nice in the day.
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10/05/2004 09:08:45 PM
Yes it is but you have to almost search for it. It gets lost in the rest of the shot, the sand, the trees are all fighting for my attention, a closer shot of the house with beacon would really help this shot jump out more at me. Or even the dunes or the sea or lake behind you. A 7
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10/05/2004 05:42:22 PM
A very nice scenic. I'm sure the exposure is right on, but I wonder what it would do with it deliberately darkened and perhaps a warming filter added? It's still an excellent entry and obviously fitting for a master's camera.
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10/05/2004 03:27:18 PM
For me this scene is just not captivating enough. While your scene is OK, it seems that you have brought nothing fresh to way in which it is shot. This is exactly how I imagine most snapshots would frame the subject: eye-level, fairly central, etc.

The element of creativity is missing here which is what I'm rating highly in this challenge rather than those who are blessed with simply attractive scenery or subjects to 'make' the shot.
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10/05/2004 11:25:20 AM
Nice perspective. Like the way the trees frame in the house.
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10/05/2004 08:39:11 AM
Very nice natural color and crisp focus. Not all that interesting of a composition though. 5
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10/05/2004 12:36:47 AM
beautiful place. Nice balance between light and dark colors.
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10/04/2004 08:33:34 PM
Very nicely exposed and contrast is very good. I think there is too much sand in the foreground and could use less (maybe even half of it needs to be cropped). It also appears to be slightly oversharpened. 5
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10/04/2004 07:17:45 PM
beautiful scene, I might have cropped a little tighter at the bottom and left side to bring the lighthouse a little closer, but thats just my backseat opinion and it is quite nice the way it is.
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10/04/2004 06:41:48 PM
very nice photo i love the negative space in the sand, not where you'd expect it good job (7)
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10/04/2004 05:02:22 PM
this is a clean crisp image and a calendar type one. Caught too closet to the apex of the sun which is not the best for a dramatic effect. Yes, it is attractive and the colors are very nice and the technique is good, However, the image remains static.

Yet the good exposure brags about the good sand rendition. The texture here is convincing and the the composition is pleasing. 6
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10/04/2004 02:42:39 PM
A nice shot here, brilliant colours and clarity. I feel there is too much of the sand at the bottom though, I want to be looking at the building, not the sand. 7
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10/04/2004 01:09:38 PM
Nice scene, a bit neutral atmosphere. I can't help thinking that moving a bit further to the right and some less foreground sand would have improved it.
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10/04/2004 12:48:51 PM
I like this and the colors are excellent. I think a bit too much sand in the foreground and that tree in front of the lighthouse really needs to go. Short of a chain saw, perhaps you could have used another angle. Good job.
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10/04/2004 05:37:55 AM
This is a very well composed photo. Your eye can't hep but go toward the house. Well done for getting lower than usually too.
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10/04/2004 04:54:35 AM
Sharp image and the colors are great. To me it looks like it needs an element of interest in the foreground other than the texture of the sand. 8
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10/03/2004 04:53:20 PM
Hmmm...this might be more interesting in BW, get some more contrast in the tones. As it stands, it's a tad flat for me. If you were more to the right, maybe to get more of the lighthouse, more of a straight shot of the sand and less of the trees...it could be better...but it's very nice, I enjoyed! Thanks!
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10/03/2004 03:06:24 PM
Nice scene. Exposure is perfect. I would crop in a little tighter, make the subject pop out more. 6
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10/03/2004 01:43:36 PM
This is a nice scene. Nothing special but well done.
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10/03/2004 01:11:03 PM
Wonderful subject, but maybe a different POV would be better -4
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10/03/2004 10:40:50 AM
Great setting but with just too much sand. If you could have given more sky and cropped the beach just behind the first abrupt rise, I think it would POP. IMO the sand overpowers the beacon and wonderfully clear sky. 6
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10/03/2004 08:20:01 AM
Very nice location shot. Perfectly cropped in my opinion.
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10/03/2004 07:28:18 AM
To much foreground for me, and I think I might have tried darkening it a little. We had our first frost this morning, and I wish I was in this picture. It has a warm and breezy feel. Nicely done.
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10/03/2004 06:47:48 AM
This shot doesn't really do a lot for me... it's the composition that I feel really lets this down. The Beacon looks like it just happened to end up somewhere near the middle of the frame, and there is no clear pof... there are too many cluttered distracting elements here. The foliage looks oversharpened. I like the fact that it looks like you used a polariser. 5
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10/03/2004 04:08:00 AM
Nice photo, maybe a little more beacon and a little less tree.
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10/02/2004 07:35:33 PM
Great color in the sky. The beach overpowers the house and the beacon, however. It makes the title seem just a little out of place.
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10/02/2004 03:12:41 PM
I like lighthouse images and this looks like an interesting place. I think though, that this shot has too much foreground in it and I wish the main subject wasn't occluded by the trre in front of it.
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10/02/2004 02:49:41 PM
i can see remnants of editing on the trees on the right side.
10/02/2004 10:03:16 AM
undoubtably this is a gr8 photo though i would personally like to see less sand and more of the beacon..... i feel that the sand is too overpowering especially being in the foreground of the image... i slight cropping i believe would improve this photo drammatically though thats my honest opinion its hard to say without seeing the results... congratulations though on a gr8 photo
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10/02/2004 05:47:29 AM
its more like "the sand" than "the beacon"
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10/02/2004 12:22:16 AM
I love the texture of the sand. What a nice find! It would be great to live in a place like this Good detai, colour, and focus great
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10/01/2004 07:28:45 PM
Good photo! I love lighthouses, and I like the way the grass is growing in the sand. The only problem I have is the subject. It's sort of obscured by that large tree. I don't know how to improve it, unless there was a different angle to still include the dune or another like it while getting more of the beautiful lighthouse. 6
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10/01/2004 05:37:47 PM
This is a really neat picture. I like the feel of the cozy house being tucked away from the beach. It is beautifully clear, and the colors are great. I gave this an 8.
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10/01/2004 04:11:13 PM
I like the way this makes me think of holidays by the sea and of a little private hideaway. Nice choice to make the sand so prominent. 7 (//www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=129433)
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10/01/2004 03:52:02 PM
Great colors here... there's a bit of a halo where the trees and sky meet, but beyond that, the deep blue sky balances nicely against the light sand. Moving the composition down just a bit in the frame would have given the shot even better symmetry. Contrast and exposure are spot on.
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10/01/2004 02:37:41 PM
pretty colors - potential jigsaw puzzle - I would like it even better with the bottom 20% and right 20% cropped out, I think - or if you moved to the right and kept the tall trees, blocked the lower house a little, and got the whole height of the lighthouse
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10/01/2004 11:40:02 AM
Good colors, good lighting and well done. But I would say that I have seen better subjects.
Of course I'm being a little tough on you because this is masters...
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10/01/2004 08:58:53 AM
I think this one would have greatly benefitted from a lower sun location to make the scene a little warmer. Also, perhaps sliding to your right a bit would have showed just a little more of the lighthouse (which is very cool, by the way)
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10/01/2004 07:40:42 AM
I think this shot is a bit too oversharpened. I notice it most between the trees and sky. I think this would look nice in black and white, as the colours look a bit muted and don't really add much to the shot. A nice nostalgic B&W would look a lot better in my opinion :) 6.
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10/01/2004 02:07:51 AM
Nice... good luck.
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