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Soft evening light on Loch Arklet
Soft evening light on Loch Arklet

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Masters' Free Study (Advanced Editing II*)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S602Z
Location: Loch Arklet, Trossachs, Scotland
Date: Sep 8, 2004
Aperture: F11
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Landscape, Water
Date Uploaded: Sep 30, 2004

Taken after a long car journey and bit of a hike.
This is the shore of Loch Arklet in the Trossachs and is a reservoir and therefore access is restricted. I`m not sure if I should have been where I was but after the effort I put in to get there, it would have taken a bulldozer to shift me !
I doubt if this will finish anywhere near the top shots as the subject matter (sunset)is pretty commonly used. However,I tried to catch the point where the sun went down behind the mountains and shone horizontally across the peaks.This had to be balanced with keeping some detail in the foreground which meant a fair bit more work than I usually put in.
It would be nice if voters took time to study the pic and the finer points within..but given the average time spent in voting..I doubt if many will.

Place: 38 out of 69
Avg (all users): 6.6263
Avg (commenters): 7.0816
Avg (participants): 6.5536
Avg (non-participants): 6.6382
Views since voting: 1276
Views during voting: 777
Votes: 396
Comments: 54
Favorites: 3 (view)

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10/08/2004 05:48:02 AM
Ed, thanks for the kind words, I have actually put more work into this shot than any other that I`ve submitted.(Both prior to and after taking the shot)
I`m not at all bothered by my finishing place..as I said in my write up..I didn`t expect to finish anywhere near the top.
However, I am delighted that far more people than I expected,took time to look at the pic and appreciate what I was trying to achieve.
Because of the geography of the place and the restrictions I couldn`t include paths or features which would lead you into the pic..so I hunted for a bit foreground that would echo the shape of the undulating mountains in the backgound and went for a horizontal "thirds" split.
I also wanted to keep tones exactly as I saw them..which meant a lot of manipulation to darken some areas and lighten others.
The only part I was unhappy with was the foreground which was naturally underexposed and therefore aquired a graininess when I restored it to a "real life" setting. However, I felt it was important to have the foreground brighter with tone and detail getting dimmer as it receded.The result is as near to what I saw as I could have achieved.
To the people who wanted a person or boat or were looking for a bit more saturation...my apologies, I can understand that these are personal preferences but they would have ruined the feel of what I was trying to create in my minds eye but I very much appreciate the input from all.

Message edited by author 2004-10-08 12:35:33.
10/08/2004 05:20:23 AM
I really thought this would be a contender, Gordon. To finish below half-way is a poor reflection on the homogenisation of the voting public these days - and your refusal to pander to them is appreciated in this quarter at least.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2004 11:26:03 PM
Nice reflection, good composition. 7.
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10/07/2004 11:14:21 PM
I am just a sucker for rolling hills and a lake. Its one of my favorite landscpe photos. Beautiful shot.
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10/07/2004 09:52:38 PM
Great soft light. I originally though this could use more saturatiuon, but after looking at this several times I think it is great the way it is. Well done.
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10/07/2004 10:29:42 AM
gorgeous. isn't it amazing how you can still capture the beauty of the day, even when the sky isn't that dramatic? great job. i'll enjoy looking at this for awhile.
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10/07/2004 06:52:23 AM
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10/06/2004 06:52:46 PM
The volumetric lighting is very nice and very subtle. However, I see lots of noise in the shadow area just below the stream of light and maybe even in the grassy area. Or maybe it was just overprocessed in Neat Image. 5
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10/06/2004 01:12:55 PM
Wonderfull atmosphere. I would've increase saturation a bit. Pink on the sky and the waters is worth it. Great proportions. Congratulations :)
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10/06/2004 01:22:06 AM
so calm and relaxing - nice capture
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10/05/2004 09:41:37 PM
I can't tell whether that is a line of fog across the top of the mountains or a reflection but it is a splits the picture in a weird way 7
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10/05/2004 08:58:27 PM
I really like this shot and really want to like ti more but the soft focus just doesn't seem to work for me. There seems to be a lot of grain in the grass and the line of light on the mountains is just a little too straight to me, can't quite explain it, almost too perfect and if that is the way you caught it, GOOD JOB! But the lack of contrast hurts this shot for me. A 7
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10/05/2004 06:05:31 PM
Beautiful scene taken at the perfect time of day. The muted colors create such a calming effect. I could look at this for some time without tiring of it.
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10/05/2004 12:18:14 AM
Very nice. Good DOF, Exposure seems pretty much right on. great composition. I love the textures of the different layers in the distance. Well done.
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10/04/2004 11:36:51 PM
This is just such a wonderful landscape with beautiful muted colors and really interesting looking atomospheric perspective that gives a sense of distance. Very peaceful scene. Especially love the calm and reflection of the water. It has a surreal quality about it. 10
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10/04/2004 10:59:04 PM
too bad the water wasn't smoother to give you a clearer reflection. Lovely colors
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10/04/2004 05:36:39 PM
beautiful painting-like landscape shot. I can feel the tranquility. Beautifully presented.
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10/04/2004 03:46:12 PM
Very soft focus, bit I like the effect it gives to the mood here. Tones and muted colors work well together. 8
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10/04/2004 05:30:27 AM
Brilliant shot!! So many different things to look at here!

The silhouette of the mountains, the beams of light coming from the sun, the reflections in the calm water, the different tones in the grass are all brilliant! The exposure is perfect; the lighter area on the RHS (the reflection of the sun) is brilliant. Very good shot here, full marks! 10
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10/03/2004 10:51:46 PM
This is just too mystical and magical to be absorbed in one glance. It is the kind of image that can hang in a room to give it ambience, peace and serenity. Bumping up.
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10/03/2004 10:50:34 PM
Beautiful, but a bit boring. That lake needs a boat. 8.
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10/03/2004 08:37:55 PM
Love the way the sun accents the 3 peaks and theirreflection in the water.
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10/03/2004 04:55:30 PM
Mmm...very nice shot. I was hoping for either a little more brightness or darkness in the foreground... I'd like to either see the details or not see them at all. As it stands, I can kinda make some out, so I spend alot of time trying to decipher the details when I should just be eyeing the reflections... The water is beautiful, btw. The bright light above is like an aura, the shifts in color very obvious. Lovely! Thank you!
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10/03/2004 11:53:55 AM
beautiful light and a well balanced composition. a nice technical image, but it doesn't really excite me beyond that
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10/03/2004 11:41:53 AM
Nice shot. In a normal competition, this would be tops. I hope you do well in the voting, but there are some really great landscapes competing.
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10/03/2004 09:33:50 AM
Sunlight through the tops of hills are interesting. I would leave less of grass in front.
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10/03/2004 08:10:38 AM
wow this is an amazing photo, i love the soft tones on the grass and the effect of the light over the image of the mountains!
there is really nothing that i would change in this image and the only thing possibly is probably softening the focus a tad more but imho that wouldnt be a good idea so as the photo stands i believe its the best it can be and i highly congratulate you on that...
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10/03/2004 08:00:06 AM
I loved to open the tent in the morning and see this. Of course the light would be from the other direction. Nicely done. It has a nice soft, calming feel.
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10/03/2004 07:14:21 AM
Nice soft light, very peaceful atmosphere. The grass in the foreground could do with a lillte desaturation in my opinion, it has much more color than the rest of the scene.
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10/03/2004 07:11:05 AM
As far as quality of light goes - this has been taken at a nice time of day so full marks on that front.

That aside I feel with a little bit more thought one could have made this quite good. I really like to see people use some foreground element to give their landscapes depth but you have decided against this here. Even by using a path or natural trail can add some depth but here this seems to have been neglected.

This results in quite a flat looking scene.
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10/03/2004 06:45:02 AM
Nice sunset, but I can't work out why you have such bad jpeg artifacting for a 120kb file. It's all over the shot, and the texture of the foreground grass looks really strange. It looks like something in PS has gone a bit wrong. I can't help thinking that something a little more striking could have been achieved with this view and light. The sky seems a tad overexposed. 7
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10/03/2004 03:46:30 AM
Nice photo and good use of the fading light.
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10/02/2004 08:32:10 PM
A very peacful and attractive picture. Nicely balanced . Good job.
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10/02/2004 03:31:50 PM
Very nice shot, though I wonder what it would look like a few minutes later. A bit darker with a more colorful sky perhaps.
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10/02/2004 03:23:32 PM
I like the photo a lot. What keeps it from getting a 9 or 10 from me is that I expected quite a wow factor from those in the master's challenge. I like the photo and I gave you an 8. Nice texture on the water and good colors.
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10/02/2004 12:11:28 PM
I like the softness of the grass and the scene overall. It gives the feeling that this could be an oil painting as well as a photograph. The positioning of the sun (ie, the timing of the shot) is very well done.
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10/02/2004 10:19:35 AM
This is a wonderful scene, very artistic capture. Good work. 9
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10/02/2004 05:44:52 AM
I like this. The misty feel is good, although I can't help feeling that there needs to be some kind of object in the photo, just to add a little extra element. 7
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10/02/2004 03:02:32 AM
I love this It has such a nice light
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10/01/2004 11:59:15 PM
GREAT! Light dynamics is awesome. I am out of words. Must be in the top 5.
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10/01/2004 11:01:10 PM
beautiful light, but seems kind of generic otherwise - 4
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10/01/2004 06:06:17 PM
Lovely :) Great atmosphere and perfect exposure :)
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10/01/2004 05:56:57 PM
This is gorgeous! It's perfectly done, and it's type of picture that really appeals to me. I gave it a 10.
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10/01/2004 04:58:37 PM
The picture is nice but the grass seems a little dark and grainy. Also, I'm not too fond of the pale yellow color in the sky, though I like the difference between the sky and the reflection in the Loch. 6
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10/01/2004 04:40:32 PM
Wonderful feeling for the nature here.10
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10/01/2004 03:37:26 PM
Good capture of the evening light, though the colors seem very muted. The haze across the loch is impressive, though, and lends a dreamlike mystery to the shot.
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10/01/2004 03:00:54 PM
great shot for a motivational poster! nice DOF, highlights and shadows
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10/01/2004 02:50:08 PM
I'd like to see a bit more sharpness & emphasis on the foreground - perhaps by shooting from a lower point of view... Just enough to have it lead your eye outward rather than be skipped over entirely.
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10/01/2004 01:54:16 PM
It is soft and I like that aspect but I think the haze in the sky ruins the picture a bit. Nice tranquil landscape (6).
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10/01/2004 01:48:34 PM
Pretty landscape and nice use of light. To me it lacks something in terms of pulling me into it, perhaps needs a focal point. Peaceful though. 7 (//www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=129433)
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10/01/2004 11:46:05 AM
calming ... minor nit - the light has caused the mountain tops to be hazy/faded looking ... very nice however ... 8
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10/01/2004 11:28:18 AM
Nice light, that is, the sun going down but still shining between the mountains onto the mountains to the left. The glow on the water is lovely.
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10/01/2004 02:28:35 AM
Beautiful subtlety of tone. Love the rays of sun across the hills. Very lovely indeed.
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10/01/2004 01:59:07 AM
Beautiful, nice soft colors...Good luck.
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