Author | Thread |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
10/07/2004 11:55:38 PM |
great colors, wonderful lighting. |
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10/07/2004 11:21:43 PM |
Good choice of colors, nice highlights. 8. |
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10/07/2004 09:09:06 PM |
Now some people miss the point altogether when they lock into a style and believe that expression is limited in others. Here is a studio shot that that is more moving than anything else in this contest. It does for the aesthetic senses what ambrosia does for the gods. It arouses the tactile senses and this is a feat that can not be accomplished without superb technique. The near perfection in this image and the sense of beauty it invokes deserves its place at the very top.
Not many are capable of achieving such beauty. My guess is EddieG
Yes, there are many that will say, really, what about the other emotive studies? My reply is look at the image and tell me that you do not feel the texture 'neath your fingers and were your senses not dazzled by the color. Show me how many images can capture your fancy so? This can hang in a Museum. Fonal consideration 8 |
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10/07/2004 01:00:47 PM |
I really like what you did here. You made this look much more interesting that it could be. The contrast of colors, the sharpness and the composition are perfect! I like you post all the details (including lens and focal lenght). 10 from me |
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10/07/2004 12:27:12 AM |
i love the colors, but not the hotspots. |
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10/06/2004 08:42:09 PM |
Great color, wish my peppers looked this good - I like the blue background too 9 |
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10/06/2004 04:01:54 PM |
Pepper comes in many colours. Use it :) Or... why not to show whole pepper. It's shape is intersting, and the light will bring out different shades of red. |
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10/06/2004 11:56:37 AM |
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10/06/2004 04:47:03 AM |
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10/06/2004 01:22:41 AM |
excellent strength and constrast in the colours - well done |
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10/06/2004 12:06:42 AM |
It's a great pic...but it's a pepper. I've seen sooo many peppers. I do think the RGB idea was great....but my god....another pepper? I gave you a 6 based on technical merit and capture. The subject matter, unfortunately, is too cliche for my taste. |
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10/05/2004 03:41:16 PM |
Great color study. The background really brings out the other colors. |
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10/05/2004 08:32:35 AM |
This is such a beautiful shot that really has a Wow factor going for it. Your setup and colors are absolutely perfect. Great job. |
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10/05/2004 12:37:40 AM |
I never thought I find a bell pepper beautiful -- you've proven me wrong.
Good Luck |
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10/04/2004 11:57:36 PM |
OMG!! Simply gorgeous!! I love the rich, vibrant colors. |
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10/04/2004 11:33:53 PM |
nice colours and lighting
good composition |
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10/04/2004 11:16:48 PM |
I really like the bright colors, but the reflections (flash?) are a bit distracting.
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10/04/2004 08:42:37 PM |
great sharpness and bold color. I like the point of view here too. The hot spots seem too bright but other than that it is a very pleasing still life. |
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10/04/2004 07:52:52 PM |
Lush and tasty, which is a good thing to sense from a photo of food! Great choice of colour and lovely focus. |
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10/04/2004 07:15:40 PM |
Great color and detail. Did you shoot RAW to get this vibrant color? I love it. |
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10/04/2004 01:24:23 PM |
the highlights seem too harsh but otherwise great angle and composition 7 |
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10/04/2004 12:56:16 PM |
I like this a lot. I can definitely see this as wall art in a kitchen, or restaurant. 8 |
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10/04/2004 12:33:04 PM |
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10/04/2004 10:57:42 AM |
Really clear colours here, stands out extremely well. Might have liked some droplets of water on the pepper to make it more appealing. 8 |
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10/04/2004 08:09:01 AM |
This is simply a well taken still life. Colors, sharpness, positioning, lighting and DOF are right on. The only negative in comparison with some of the other shots is that it is not terribly original or interesting but I don't think you were going for that. I think you were just trying to take the best technically possible shot you could and you have succeeded. |
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10/04/2004 07:30:22 AM |
A technically perfect image with great primary colors, composition and lighting. A good specimen as well. It unfortunately fails to touch me emotionally like some other good images in this challenge do, which is why it ends up a bit lower in my ranking. |
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10/04/2004 05:46:58 AM |
A nice still life shoot! Not the most exciting subject for a masters challenge but technically this is 100%.
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10/03/2004 09:08:41 PM |
Strong points: Simple yet effective combination of colors. Exposure right on. Excellent DoF. Lighting handled well.
Suggestions for improvement: Composition is pretty static - consider more diagonal placement. Crowded on the left. White border ok, but not needed. |
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10/03/2004 08:30:17 PM |
Very vibrant. The blue background works well at emphasisizing the pepper. |
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10/03/2004 04:54:43 PM |
To be honest, this falls flat for me... I think it might be the lighting and the blue background...but there isn't real contrast here, though it's GOOD, it just doesn't have that oommppph. Thanks, though! |
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10/03/2004 03:11:31 PM |
Perfect focus and nice colors. Lighting looks a tad harsh.6 |
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10/03/2004 01:17:46 PM |
Nice RGB image. Is this a neo-Weston tribute? -7 |
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10/03/2004 12:54:38 PM |
Perfect. There is nothing about this image that I can fault. The image of a true expert in studio lighting. |
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10/03/2004 11:37:24 AM |
Amazing details! One can almost feel the smooth texture of the pepper. Lighting is also very good with nice tones and gradations in color and light. 10 |
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10/03/2004 09:24:24 AM |
Good quality...and focus. |
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10/03/2004 06:45:06 AM |
Wow, very striking. I love the blue and red, the green could do with being a bit more vibrant. The thing that really puts me off is the glare... could you have sorted this with a polariser? Wonderful composition. 7 |
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10/03/2004 03:52:49 AM |
The brilliant colors are wonderful. |
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10/02/2004 07:36:05 PM |
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10/02/2004 07:08:30 PM |
Wow I'm not a fan of stock photography but you got an amazing one here! |
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10/02/2004 04:54:06 PM |
It's a good absract photo, colours are good, focus is sharp, but not what I would expect from a month long challenge. Gave it 5 at start, bumping to 6 |
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10/02/2004 04:24:56 PM |
This is a wonderful detail study with poor timing after allt he food in the wacky food challenge. It really seems too simplistic for the masters challenge in my opinion, but very well taken, and beautiful color. 7. |
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10/02/2004 02:16:06 PM |
Very vivid RGB. Only one very minor thing I can think of and that is perhaps cutting the stem off about 1mm so it appears fresher. Exceptional. |
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10/02/2004 12:11:52 PM |
Magnificent capture. The blue background is a perfect choice. The pepper looks almost as if you had waxed it. Not a speck of dust or any other distracting elements. A beautiful, simple, and very profound shot. One of my top picks for this challenge. |
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10/02/2004 12:10:30 PM |
I like the colors chosen (the blue background is a nice compliment to the red). Excellent focus and composition. Well done. |
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10/02/2004 07:37:11 AM |
I never know what to think about the highlights at 100%. The one at the top is a little distracting and the others seem fine to me. Everything else is perfect. |
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10/02/2004 06:04:06 AM |
a bit tight on the composition, a bit more blue breathing space would be nicer. nice shot though |
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10/02/2004 03:33:08 AM |
Very nice lighting to bring out the nicely (but not overly) saturated colors. Great detail in the skin of the pepper as you can almost see the striations. Very sharp photo! 8 |
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10/02/2004 12:35:34 AM |
Beautiful vibrant colours and texture here you have done a wonderful job
Simple and very effective
I feel I could almost pick it up it looks so good and I am not a lover of peppers
Great work Good Luck! |
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10/01/2004 10:47:36 PM |
This picture jumped out at me. The color is very nice. And I love the composition! 10. |
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10/01/2004 09:50:23 PM |
good focus and great color |
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10/01/2004 08:55:38 PM |
Bright, flashey,colorful, well executed shot. This is thechnically near perfect (looks a bit oversharpened), but has little interest for me. I am sure it has its place (advertisement, food service industry, etc. but just not my most liked type of shot. 7 |
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10/01/2004 06:35:15 PM |
Great composition and colors, you've made a work of art of an ordinary veggie. Well done. |
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10/01/2004 06:21:16 PM |
I like the color and the texture. Other than that it isn't a very interesting photo (4). |
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10/01/2004 04:57:46 PM |
This is a great image. The texture in the stem and the fine detail in the pepper show that there's more to even the simplest objects. Good choice of background color, too. 8 |
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10/01/2004 04:19:27 PM |
Technically, a beautifully taken image. Lighting - excellent, colours - excellent, composition - excellent. The only reason it isn't scoring higher is that it doesn't reach me on any emotional level. It's not an image I would want to come back to and view again and again and that's down to lack of interest in the subject. 7 (// |
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10/01/2004 03:09:28 PM |
very good idea. nice RGB. |
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10/01/2004 02:44:12 PM |
Great interpretation on the classic RGB theme. The curves on the pepper are luxurious. There seems to be a bit of a lighting halo around the pepper and off in the lower left which seems to disturb the consistency of the blue backdrop. The brownish bit on the end of the stem is a bit distracting as well... perhaps trimming it a bit would have made the green seem even more pure. Great lighting and color saturation. |
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10/01/2004 02:25:45 PM |
wow - making me hungry - texture, focus, highlights are excellent |
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10/01/2004 12:09:43 PM |
Message edited by author 2005-07-12 08:17:04. |
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10/01/2004 12:02:16 PM |
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10/01/2004 09:42:24 AM |
Beautiful colors. Beautiful curves. Hot shot! |
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10/01/2004 07:41:21 AM |
Very nice lighting and good vibrant colours. 7 |
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10/01/2004 03:35:56 AM |
Detail, lighting, composition and the use of primary colours - I love this image! 10. |
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10/01/2004 02:25:03 AM |
Perfect sharp bright still life. Well done. |
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10/01/2004 01:56:54 AM |
I love these big bold colors you have captured in this photo, Great job. |
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10/01/2004 12:21:46 AM |
Just jumps out at you among all of the entries. Incredible color and focus. I like everything about this one including the simple and yet effective border. Wonderful job! |
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10/01/2004 12:07:43 AM |
Love the complementary color thing going on. Too bad about the harsh lighting on the pepper, did you diffuse at all? The blue background.. I can't figure out if I like it or not. It's definitely a nice change from white or black. |
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