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You judge - did the driver obey the sign?
You judge - did the driver obey the sign?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Road Signs Revisited (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A40
Location: Ottawa Ontario
Date: Jan 18, 2003
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: auto
Shutter: 8 sec
Date Uploaded: Jan 18, 2003


Place: 77 out of 174
Avg (all users): 5.5127
Avg (commenters): 5.9130
Avg (participants): 5.3604
Avg (non-participants): 5.7093
Views since voting: 1141
Votes: 197
Comments: 25
Favorites: 0

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01/27/2003 07:09:47 AM
Thanks for all the comments. First off, the driver did STOP. The driver had no choice as a car past in front while at the STOP sign. If you look carefully in front of the car, you can see a set of lights (red on top – yellowish on bottom). The same set of lights are on the short side of the STOP sign. The vehicle in the photo isn’t going that way as the driver has turned on their left blinker. You can see the vehicle travels less distance for each blink. That about covers it.

 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/26/2003 11:47:36 PM
Very interesting interpretation of the challenge. Good job! Different.
01/26/2003 09:39:40 PM
There is too much empty space in the foreground IMO. Interesting lighting effects. The border is not effective, and detracts from the scene. jgillard6
01/26/2003 06:29:58 PM
love the red tint on the snow.
01/26/2003 02:26:31 PM
Ouch. Poor light on the sign. Not a bad Capture. I know you most likely did not want to be out there longer than you had to be. Looks cold.
01/26/2003 02:24:54 PM
Probably not, judging by the implied speed in this motion shot. Great capture in terms of composition, focus, and exposure. Well done.
01/26/2003 01:59:53 PM
how was this manipulated? very spacey feeling! nice job
01/26/2003 11:52:17 AM
the boder hurts the great photo
01/24/2003 09:45:16 PM
Nice idea. too bad there was such a glare on the stop sign. everything looks nice and crisp. Good job.
01/24/2003 02:04:03 PM
I think the sign is too close to the edge of the frame, and I think you included too much ground, but tahts probably just me. I also think you should use a more neutral border colour.
01/24/2003 11:29:38 AM
Nice, but too much foreground and the stop sign (the focus of the picture) is glared out.
01/23/2003 11:29:15 PM
Although it's well shot and interestingly-lit, I don't think you need nearly so much foreground. Since the subjects are so near the top, I'd try a severe crop (1/3 to 1/2 off the bottom) and make it a more panoramic shot. That should also accentuate the look of speed.
01/23/2003 11:33:41 AM
Great exposure. I'm not fond of the title, but it doesn't matter. The pic is cool. I like the long exposure pics in general and this one is exceptional. I might've cropped out some of the snow though. Great pic - Inspzil
01/22/2003 10:55:32 PM
the glare on the sign really kills this cool photo. the colors are so unique.
01/22/2003 07:07:44 PM
Great capture!
01/21/2003 11:55:23 PM
Can't reaaly tell. Might have cropped out some of the dirt at the bottom. I think a little bit of it showing would add the depth you wanted, imho
01/21/2003 02:59:34 PM
Shorter crop on the bottom may have helped.
01/21/2003 12:00:56 PM
(s)he was trying to... Nifty colors. You could eliminate the reflection on the stopsign by using a polarizer.
01/21/2003 02:30:02 AM
Nice shot but in my opinion there's too much earth in the foreground, it would have been better either to crop it completely or have the sky as the extra space.
01/20/2003 06:17:03 PM
Did he stop? Yes, judging by the image of the car stationary. In general the lighting is very good - it's a shame that there is a reflection on the stop sign itself. The brown border is interesting - probably not my first choice but it does kind of suit the snow (which looks brown at the bottom of the photo).
01/20/2003 06:07:04 PM
Yes. Because you can tell the taillights are MUCH BRIGHTER at the point where he/she was supposed to stop. :)
01/20/2003 05:40:12 PM
Yes, else he wouldn't be visible.
01/20/2003 03:59:27 PM
I find the border a bit intrusive, and I would have prefered it without the reflection on the sign, but otherwise a nicely executed picture.
01/20/2003 02:47:31 PM
looks like they stopped...
01/20/2003 02:39:36 AM
Nope!! But it is a "T" intersection. Where did he go? Cub

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