*Hello from Sid and the Critique club*
A landscape that contributes little to the open challenge.
You probably felt the scene you had in front of you, colourful and appealing as it was, needed a little help in post processing, however, I feel you need to be made aware that the end result has not worked at all. If, as I suspect, you are relatively new to post processing the temptation is to tweak and then tweak and then tweak some more but you quickly reach a point where it becomes detrimental to the end result, as you have here. Your goal should always be to get the best possible image in camera and if necessary to enhance the quality to extract the very best quality in the end result this requires very subtle processing where less is most definitely more.
The colours are way over saturated, there is probably little resemblance to the original. The image is very heavily pixelated suggesting that the submitted jpeg has been too heavily compressed, there are large swathes of the background that lack any detail, the path in the foreground lacks any detail. If you look carefully you will see sudden transitions from blue to green and these areas form blocks of a single colour, all part of the jpeg compression technique.
All of this is a very tough way for you to learn but, to be honest, the image's quality, or rather lack of, is reflected in the voters perceptions too. Sorry to be so negative but I feel I owe it to you to help you improve. Thanks for your submission, Sid |