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1st PlaceSilvia

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: School Days (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Location: Italy
Date: Oct 14, 2004
Aperture: f1.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Black and White
Date Uploaded: Oct 19, 2004


Place: 1 out of 195
Avg (all users): 6.9020
Avg (commenters): 8.2593
Avg (participants): 6.7143
Avg (non-participants): 6.9949
Views since voting: 5488
Views during voting: 417
Votes: 296
Comments: 52
Favorites: 8 (view)

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05/01/2005 09:11:36 AM
Beautiful shot. Love your work you have a good eye for people and 'human' events. Awesome website too!
11/02/2004 12:34:10 PM
Nice Work!
11/01/2004 04:15:16 AM
Great portrait, and the others on your website, too! Cyano, would you please share with us the lens you're working with? Has this photo gone through any blurring filter or is the depth of field really this short on an EOS-20D with your lens? E-10 has namely a huge depth of field.. Thanks!
10/28/2004 04:32:43 AM
thank you very much for all your votes, i really appreciate them !
Of course i must divide the blue ribbon and the credit with my lovely nieces, impossible without them !
The original picture is in color but i decide to make it b/w to avoid
the little girl in the background to disturb the main scene.

See you for the next picture !!
10/27/2004 09:49:39 PM
Congratulations on your well deserved blue. A lovely study.
10/27/2004 05:47:15 PM
WOW! Blue ribbon in your first challenge. Congratulations.
10/27/2004 04:50:35 PM
Congratulations on your Blue Ribbon first entry! Looks like there will be more to come...well done!
10/27/2004 03:00:16 PM
Congratulations, Luciano, on a beautiful, beautiful picture, and a well deserved win.
10/27/2004 02:25:54 PM
I'm happy my 10 vote counted to your win, STUNNING photo and fits perfect to the challenge moto.
10/27/2004 09:38:17 AM
A well deserved ribbon...beautiful photo!

Congratulations! I really look forward to seeing more of your work...
10/27/2004 09:02:30 AM
Congratulations on your first submission and challenge win, and welcome to dpc.
10/27/2004 08:54:23 AM
Congrats! Like I said below, I think the girl in the background really adds an element here. This is a very worthy winner. Way to go!
10/27/2004 08:30:56 AM
Congratulations on the Blue.
Hope to see some excellent stuff from you (like you have on your website).
10/27/2004 06:55:03 AM
What a way to start. Congratulations on your win.
10/27/2004 06:52:26 AM
Luciano congratulations with your Ribbon
10/27/2004 05:39:26 AM
Congradulations - on your Ribbon, I only dream of winning one - good luck in your future challenges and hope you win even more

Message edited by author 2004-10-27 05:40:26.
10/27/2004 02:41:47 AM
Congrats...great shot!
10/27/2004 02:31:28 AM
In the UK we have a word for this type of entrance it's called

BOSH!!! IM HERE..... excellent first entry, blue ribbon, wonderfull wonderfull picture 'bellisimo' congratulations lets see ya do it again *wink*
10/27/2004 01:49:40 AM
My highest rating of the challenge.

10/27/2004 12:31:47 AM
Member Since: Oct. 19 2004
Challenge entries: 1
Blue Ribbons: 1

10/27/2004 12:23:38 AM
I am amazed that this got the blue ribbon! Without the girl in the background it definately deserves it. Guess I'll NEVER figure out the DPC voting public. Lemme say again awesome shot that would have been down right bad ass without the extra element of the second (almost) subject!
10/27/2004 12:18:51 AM
One out of one! Great job!!!
10/27/2004 12:11:39 AM
Awesome! First challenge and first ribbon.
10/27/2004 12:01:10 AM
Congrats on the blue! This really is a very sweet and wonderful pictures. Kudos!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/26/2004 10:45:09 PM
The girl in the background is an unnecesary element that detracts from an otherwise flawless portrait that fits in perfectly with the challenge theme. Take her out of the shot and this goes up a point maybe two! Great b/w portrait!
10/26/2004 08:12:43 PM
Great Photo. Best one I have seen so far. 9
10/26/2004 06:06:26 PM
I like the use of BW and the detail sharpness is great.
10/26/2004 06:40:24 AM
Beautifully exposed and a lovely use of space. I would like to see it with the (sister) cropped out. The main character would still be far enough to one side for her to be looking into the centre of the picture. Would like to know if it was a "grabbed shot" or set up. If it was grabbed it was great. If it was set up - I would like to see some of the others.
10/25/2004 01:34:06 PM
Fantastic image, my favourite of the challenge by quite a long way. Great composure, lighting and beautiful pose and expression on the little one. Good luck with this one.
10/24/2004 10:55:52 PM
Terrific photo.
10/24/2004 08:44:47 PM
I like this shot a lot. Her facial expression, hair and are just great. I also love the tones in this image. I do find the little girl in the background bit distracting because I somehow think that the amount of blur on her doesn't actually add to the image. I feel that this image would be stronger with a simple background, like what's there without the child.
I also feel that a bit can be taken off from the right of the frame. To be it looks a bit off balance.
But overall, it's a great image and I think it's one of the best in the challenge. Best of luck.
10/24/2004 12:55:52 PM
Extremely well-focused picture with a great feel to it. The child in back adds a lot, too - a feeling of real life, I guess. One of my top 5.
10/23/2004 06:21:46 PM
Stunning, i wish you could get the person out of the BG, it would be much better still an awesome picture. one of my favorites. 10
10/23/2004 04:20:26 PM
A beautiful shot, so peaceful, just as though the camera wasn't there.
Tremendous, deserves a ribbon.
10/23/2004 12:37:24 PM
Horray! I now count about four or five quality images in this entire challenge. Yours is one of teh very best. I love the contrast here. This is supurb in black and white. THe expression is AMAZING. I love the DOF. Everythign about this image is pitch perfect. Well done. I hope you take the top ribbon home. 10
10/23/2004 09:01:23 AM
Beautiful portrait and fantastic lighting.. I can't decide whether I like the inclusion of the child in the background or not. In some ways he/she detracts from the primary figure, but then in others it does make it more of a 'class room' scene rather than just a portrait.
10/23/2004 06:46:45 AM
Great depth of field. I think the black and white does a great job in this shot as well.
10/23/2004 05:43:56 AM
this is a supurb image as far as Iam concerned and it really suits the theme I love the light and the oof figure behind adds interest 10from me
10/22/2004 02:13:04 PM
Great in all ways.
10/22/2004 02:09:50 PM
10/22/2004 01:25:28 PM
Very nicely done! I like the simplicity here. The use of black & white is great, and the lighting is really well done. Some folks will probably say that they would have eliminated the little girl in the background, but I think it really adds to the shot. Having her playing joyfully in the background, to me, helps to tell a story of a girl who is determined to get her homework done despite the temptations of having fun instead. My only 10 of the challenge.
10/21/2004 10:41:44 PM
Very nice!
10/21/2004 09:36:25 PM
This would have been even better in color, in my opinion.
10/21/2004 03:31:32 PM
This is a great portrait. Nothing more to say than that, but it is great.
10/21/2004 12:12:57 PM
Nice and serious model... good capture... like B&W aswell.
10/21/2004 10:40:03 AM
it is cute image. One of my favorites...
10/20/2004 07:58:27 PM
Beautiful! No suggestions for improvement here -- it's one of my favorites in the challenge. Good luck.
10/20/2004 02:03:52 PM
Like the b/w and dof. Hard to stuy with a giggling sister in the back.
10/20/2004 12:49:07 PM
Lovely look of contentment on this child's fact! Strong composition in black and white with a great tonal range. Child in background is mildly distracting, but otherwise nearly flawless.
10/20/2004 12:48:54 PM
would be better without person in background
10/20/2004 12:38:49 PM
Beautifully exposed... the natural light in this shot is perfect... great work :)
10/20/2004 01:56:01 AM
This is a lovely portrait. I think the composition is great. In other challenges, the second child in the background might be distracting; however, it is not a distraction in the context of the School Days Challenge since you would expect to see more than one child. I think the black and white is displayed perfectly. Her hair fades into the background, but it draws your attention to the face and the great expression exhibited there. I think this entry will place high. 9.

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