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hungry under the table
hungry under the table

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Poverty (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 3100
Location: Orleans, Canada
Date: Oct 20, 2004
Galleries: Abstract, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Oct 21, 2004

I brought our group camera home to recharge the batteries and experimented with the manual setting "pre-white balance." I was surprised at the effects possible. Being a watercolorist I love mixing colors and creating this painting style result of a foot stool. Antiques and poverty can ilicit opinions, attitudes and judgement towards an object or person making them seem worthless or priceless.

Place: 171 out of 171
Avg (all users): 2.8149
Avg (commenters): 1.9565
Avg (participants): 2.5357
Avg (non-participants): 2.9196
Views since voting: 1245
Views during voting: 491
Votes: 308
Comments: 28
Favorites: 0

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11/09/2004 11:41:18 AM
Originally posted by laurielblack:

Howdy from the critique club!

...The cord running in the background is quite distracting...it takes away from the shot IMHO...


Thanks Laurie for one of the greatest critique we`ve received so far. I also never noticed the background cord as being so distracting until you brough it up. Thanks.
11/09/2004 11:33:51 AM
Originally posted by kyrkbymannen:

But what is it??

"It" is a photo of an antique stool with the corner torn taken under a table. Being viewed by digital photographers, my choice was to get the reaction of strong emotion from comfortable (not poor often able to buy computer or digital camera) individuals. The same emotion people get when faced with a beggar in their face can be one of empathy or revultion. The theme was seeing through the eyes of a poor hungry colapsing beggar under the table. More importantly, the voter should react to the overexposed, out of focus, confusing photo in the same way they may a beggar (with empathy or revultion towards the image or photographer.) The choice of antiques is linked to the fact that value towards something old, dirty, smelly and torn is shown by how we care for it; much like our reactions to someone who is poverty stricken. I hope this is helpful as I have received many comments similar to yours.
11/08/2004 08:30:25 PM
Howdy from the critique club!

This particular image is difficult for me to critique, I'll admit. It's definitely abstract in that I don't quite know what it is other than the corner of a footstool, and have no real reference point upon which to ground my eyes.

This shot lacks a central focal point, which is important for most voters unless the challenge is specifically for abstracts.

The colored effect is interesting, and the blue tones are quite beautiful. I am certain they have a place in other shots, where the tone is more befitting of a certain mood or scene.

The cord running in the background is quite distracting...it takes away from the shot IMHO.

I would imagine that the image, in regular color or in B&W, could be cropped and/or edited in such a way that the frayed fabric edges and rough wood could definitely be an indicator of poverty. I'm afraid that the shot you entered, however, is just a bit avante-garde for the average DPC voter.

All that being said, I think the shot is an interesting study with positive attributes and several points upon which improvements can be made. Have fun and keep shooting! :o)


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11/05/2004 04:25:11 PM
But what is it??
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/02/2004 11:30:24 PM
Aiming for the brown ribbon?
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11/02/2004 06:20:49 PM
ouch bright
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11/02/2004 02:27:32 PM
Not even sure what is depicted here, let alone what it means.
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11/02/2004 12:44:01 PM
The coloring is very harsh - did you use a black light? I just don't get it.
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11/01/2004 12:06:31 PM
I'm sorry, but, what is this? It doesn't make any aesthetic or literal sense. It's just a mess in a rectangular format.
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10/31/2004 01:55:57 AM
i'm not too sure what's being shown here.....after much deliberation i have decided that it must be a picture of a chair under a table, looking up at the corner....but i think some adjustment to the color would make it much more decipherable.....I understand how the title relates to the subject, but the picture doesn't seem to imply too much poverty...
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10/29/2004 08:51:19 PM
I can't make it out at all. Sorry
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10/29/2004 07:55:16 PM
Sorry, I don't get it. I like the color, though.
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10/29/2004 05:53:47 PM
I don't understand what you're trying to say with this photo and it hurts my eyes.
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10/29/2004 03:38:06 PM
If not the title, I wouldn't be able to guess what is it about. I have an impression it is overdone. Sorry.
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10/29/2004 01:43:02 PM
maybe its a metaohore I dont know.. but it looks like a funky filtered shot oh the bottom of a table...I don't feel poverty.
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10/29/2004 09:24:55 AM
I've managed to work out where it is, but what it is and its relevance, I'm afraid eludes me, and the colour cast doesn't help either, sorry. 3
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10/29/2004 09:21:03 AM
to abstract to me
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10/29/2004 08:35:30 AM
gtsyr yslr pm yjr vjs;;rmhr/// o s, ditr upi eo;; hry kidy ejsy upi ertr ;pplomh gpt
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10/29/2004 12:08:50 AM
This one received a low score from me. Between the blr, overexposed highlights, and abstract nature of the image, I neither enjoyed it, not understood its relation to the topic.
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10/28/2004 11:10:42 AM
what is this??
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10/28/2004 04:52:31 AM
Weird, but i like it
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10/27/2004 01:32:53 PM
what the heck?
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10/27/2004 12:53:25 PM
Sorry, even after coming back to this I still can't "see" it.
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10/27/2004 12:20:32 PM
What the hell is that?
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10/27/2004 10:40:31 AM
Holy crap this hurts the eyes! Is this a negative art attempt at the brown?
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10/27/2004 02:17:00 AM
not really sure what you tried to achieve here - but whatever it is i don't think it worked
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10/27/2004 01:56:35 AM
im sorry i cant tell what this is...
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10/27/2004 12:58:09 AM
i don't like the blue hue to the imageand it seems alittle unclear to me as to what it is of
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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