My first thoughts were that it was lacking in contrast, with the color being a little washed out, and the subject confusing.
Composition / Content
I like the composition here, but other factors in the content cause it to become a little weak. I feel that you almost have two subjects in this photo, and the viewer may become confused as to exactly which subject your title is referring to. The post, or the hut? or both? Stronger contrast would have helped this out, seperating the post more from the background.
It's a great background, but I feel that it needed a slightly shallower DOF. The grass and hut, if blurred just a *touch* more, would have allowed to viewer to more easily determine the subject. Conversely, the *post* being more blurred and the hut sharpened, would have had the same effect, only in reverse. You're on your way (the post *is* sharper), but I feel it needed a little bit more.
Camera Work - Technical
Again, this could have benefitted from a touch more DOF. This could be accomplished by zooming in a touch more (and standing back a bit), or stopping down the aperature, or a combination. I have the Fuji s7000, so I know that it's a bitch to get shallow DOF at times, but I know that it can be done.. and the s5000 has a large zoom, so take advantage of it :) Moving on, your focus is wonderful, and exposure is also very nice.
Digital Processing
What I feel is missing here is a lack of color. The color seems very washed out, and the white balance seems to be a little too far into the yellows. You may have done this on purpose to give the shot more of an "old" feel, but I wonder if you played around with doing this shot in B&W, or sepia tones? Both of which may have helped that aspect. As it is, the color wash just gives it a flat, unnatural feel.
Fits the Challenge
Being a Free Study, it obviously fits the challenge.
My Opinion on the Photo
I like the potential of this shot, and think you have the right idea. A little tweaking with some of the things I mentioned, and this could potentially be a wonderful shot. Great perspective, good idea, so keep it up. Good luck in the future.
Its a great shot of a wonderfull old house. I think its at the back of Ghost hill about half way up the dirt road? I have admired it for a long time! Well done Bruce I think.
What is the subject? The post, the barbed wire or the shed in the back? The picture is okay, except that I'm wondering what I'm supposed to look at. You could also enhance it by saturating the colors a little bit more and perhaps just a slight improvement in sharpness. Good luck in the challenge.
I love the composition, but I wish the colors were either more saturated (to make it pop, and the rust look more rustic) or less saturated (to make it look aged). Just my opinion!! The composition, though, makes this photo. Nice job!