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transition yellow
transition yellow

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transitions (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony Mavica CD1000
Location: my kitchen
Date: Apr 17, 2002
Aperture: n/a
ISO: n/a
Shutter: n/a
Date Uploaded: Apr 21, 2002


Place: 23 out of 104
Avg (all users): 6.0739
Avg (commenters): 7.3125
Avg (participants): 6.1807
Avg (non-participants): 6.0000
Views since voting: 1418
Votes: 203
Comments: 32
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/28/2002 11:36:00 AM
Very cool photo -- I really like the soft lighting in the composition.
04/27/2002 08:46:00 PM
Special - beautifully caught!
04/27/2002 10:18:00 AM
For reasons of masculinity I should mark flower pictures low but I really like it so I won't!!!! I particularly like the shadow of the seeds. V Nice indeed
04/27/2002 08:50:00 AM
i like the texture and focus...plus the offset colour of the dandylion
04/27/2002 06:06:00 AM
really nice shadows, colors. This is a great shot!
04/26/2002 09:15:00 PM
I love the lighting and the color of the background. Great pic.
04/26/2002 08:08:00 PM
Good focus -- an excellent shot.
04/26/2002 04:21:00 PM
I really like this photo but I wonder if it could be even better if the light was from the left instead of the right. I would have to see it to know for sure.
04/26/2002 04:20:00 PM
Good photo, a bit too "posed"
04/24/2002 05:52:00 PM
04/24/2002 02:26:00 PM
very nice! Good contrast on the colors
04/24/2002 01:40:00 PM
Very clear flower head, but the seeds need a bit more focus
04/24/2002 01:25:00 PM
amazing detail.
04/24/2002 12:38:00 PM
this looks way better at full size then it does as a tumbnail, the detail is great. i like how closely cropped it is, too.
04/24/2002 09:58:00 AM
macro at its best
04/24/2002 05:19:00 AM
This is beautiful. Nicely composed and good use of light and shadows.
04/23/2002 08:28:00 PM
Good idea! WEll done.
04/23/2002 09:17:00 AM
The transistion of this shot quite obvious. The detail is somewhat lacking on the right but looking at the shadows you can tell its from the resizing of the photo.
04/23/2002 04:37:00 AM
I like this shot... would like it even bettern on a darker background.
04/22/2002 11:56:00 PM
Hmm, interesting shot and lighting. I think I'd like it a bit mroe if the yellow flower were in the frame a bit more.
04/22/2002 08:14:00 PM
good idea
04/22/2002 08:03:00 PM
Nice lighting. The only thing is it takes a little work to see the dandelion on the left. Perhaps a different color background?
04/22/2002 03:24:00 PM
04/22/2002 02:54:00 PM
mighty fine photo here......
04/22/2002 01:19:00 PM
nicely done.
04/22/2002 10:19:00 AM
You caught this really well. good color and composition.
04/22/2002 10:18:00 AM
cool setup, nice light giving the shadows, well executed.
04/22/2002 08:52:00 AM
The title can't make the photograph what it's not. I see no transition here.
04/22/2002 08:21:00 AM
04/22/2002 08:04:00 AM
Beautiful color and gentle composition. Great picture.
04/23/2002 02:01:00 PM
cracking shot, worked for
04/22/2002 12:53:00 AM
I would love to know what kind of flower this is ! My only change would be the cropping on the left side.

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