I have read quite a bit about the US Civil War and visited many places, including this one, and thought of it immediately when I saw the challenge. It's certainly one of the odder things I've ever seen in a graveyard. There are actually entire bodies buried here, but only Stonewall Jackson's arm got a, er, headstone. Let's go with grave marker ;-)
General Jackson was a bit of an odd duck, who figures prominently in the history of the US Civil War. There are still many, many things named after him here in Virginia, where some believe that the war would have ended differently had he lived.
BTW, the rest of him is buried in Lexington, VA. The story goes that he used to suck lemons to help his dyspepsia, so people toss lemons onto the grave. In 2015. And beyond, I wager!
Famous quote when he was wounded: "He has lost his left arm, but I my right." - Gen. Robert E. Lee, 1863
Final words: "Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees." Couldn't help but think of that considering the little copse of trees near his arm's grave marker.
PP - converted from RAW, cropped slightly, Nick CEP (tonal contrast, reflector efex in gold), cloned out leafless branch on upper left, Nik Viveza (increased saturation and contrast on far background), resized, Nik Sharpen, Nik CEP (glamour glow).
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