Once again, my stubbornness took this shot that would be relatively easy for two people and made it quite the endeavor by myself.
Step 1: Find my old trumpet. I played the Trumpet in Jazz Band a few years back. I had to dig it out.
Step 2: Get a blue sky. The 30th was the first amazingly blue sky in like, two weeks. Which was funny, because when I was down at Leatherlips shooting that morning, it was rainy and gray. I hope the blue stays.
Step 3: Understand the self timer on the camera. I had it set to 4 continuous shots, and the self timer. Unfortunately the self timer shuts off after each shot, so I did a lot of running back and forth.
Step 4: Understand the frame. Where should I throw the darn thing? Up, yes. But where up?
Step 5: Catch it, review the shots, repeat steps 1-4.
In the end it was between this one, where I had zoomed in a little closer, and another one, where the trumpet was more center frame. Ultimately I chose this one, because of the bigger trumpet and the more clear non blurry picture I got of it.
Ok, let's now see what I'll be voted down on.
1) Doesn't meet the challenge. It's just a musical instrument, not music.
2) The trumpet isn't right side up. Crammit people, if you want it rightside up, go try it. I went through 2 128 cards, alright? ALRIGHT?!
I digress.
3) The trees in the bottom distract the viewer. Maybe, but if they weren't there you'd never believe me that I threw my old trumpet up 200 times.
4) The Trumpet is too close to the top of the frame, a less tight crop would've been better. Gosh darnit, that's not a crop. That's how the exposure was. Aargh.
5) This shot wasn't taken during the challenge. The trees are green. If I get something like this, I think I'll just give up on humanity.
That's all I can think of for now... of course the voters do a better job of tearing apart my pictures, so we'll see how that goes. Friggin' A, let's rock and roll! Bring it on, voters!
Place: 88 out of 124 Avg (all users): 4.9422 Avg (commenters): 6.1000 Avg (participants): 4.5676 Avg (non-participants): 5.2222 Views since voting: 1115 Views during voting: 256 Votes: 173 Comments: 10 Favorites: 2 (view)
returning for comments:
Yep: some notes are this high. Would have prefered more of a slant, but your point is well highlighted. Bumping up for the good catch.