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Challenge: Poverty (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-740UZ
Location: Poland City:Lodz
Date: Oct 26, 2004
Aperture: 1:2,8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/10
Galleries: Emotive, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Oct 26, 2004

Hello there,

This is my first submission.

I had only 2h to take the picture. From the very beginning I had the emotions and the overall idea in my head. I know you won't propably like this photo and that i don't stand a chance in this comptetition, however I do want to hear your opinions on this shot. I tried to do my best :)

The post processing was minimal.

I had a hard time choosing the right photograph. I had taken several shot in a simillar mood and surroundings but well, after a short vote I decided that this is going to be my candidate:).

The shot was taken handheld.
I wanted no black and white nor colour. So I ended up like this. I think that life overall isn't colourful nor is it black and white.
The stairs symbolize the desire to advance on the social ladder. The bright light up the stairs symbolizes the goals we try to achieve, but there is the moment in our life where we face poverty. And that's the moment for the person on the photograph. This is the emotion I feel in the word POVERTY.

Big THANK YOU to my beloved Gosia, that agreed to pose for me ( although she hates seeing herself on photographs ). She stood up to the task extremely well and she endured the discomfort of these -well- "poor" places.

Greetings to you all, and welcome :)

Sorry for my spelling and grammar mistakes!

Place: 9 out of 171
Avg (all users): 6.4599
Avg (commenters): 7.6316
Avg (participants): 6.2500
Avg (non-participants): 6.5381
Views since voting: 2450
Views during voting: 470
Votes: 324
Comments: 30
Favorites: 4 (view)

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11/29/2009 07:51:27 PM
This is a great shot. So urban.
11/30/2005 05:09:56 AM
Great shot ! Gratulacje !
11/07/2004 08:47:36 AM
kurcze, podoba mi sie to zdjecie. dzieki zamieszczonemu opisowi widze kompleksowy charakter tego obrazu. gratuluje pomyslu i konsekwencji w jego realizacji
11/03/2004 06:35:21 PM
Congratulations on Your top ten placement! This is one of my favorites in this challenge not only because it is well done but because you really captured a feeling here, Your model is great!
11/03/2004 04:30:51 PM
Congrats on the top 10 finish! Very nice work, best of luck to you in the future challenges!
11/03/2004 04:18:06 PM
Thanks Again :)

Hope you'll like my next photos :)

What a warm welcome! :)

eptasdi it's not NY it's a city in Poland right in the center. Second biggest city in this country, however ...rather poor. Lodz (?ód?) is the name
11/03/2004 03:33:09 PM
First, let me say welcome to DPC. This was one of my favorite photographs in the challenge. It was nice to see work like this that shows insight and creativity from the photographer. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. Congrats on a great photo.
11/03/2004 12:11:01 PM
I so enjoyed reading your comments of how and why you took this photograph. I already loved it, and now I do even more. Welcome to DPC!!!
11/03/2004 12:05:58 PM
congrats on your top 10 placing, especially for your first submission. good luck in future challenges.

Message edited by author 2004-11-03 12:06:10.
11/03/2004 01:51:22 AM
Thank you all for voting on me :)

I am really happy with the score :)
I was expecting a middle score in the staff somewhere around 60-90.
I knew people would send photographs of people on the streets or people begging, but I thought that this was to obvious, so I wanted to do something a bit else. Congratulations to all entrys in this chalange :)

Can't wait what the critique club will say :P

Sorry for my spelling and grammar mistakes!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/02/2004 06:45:51 PM
I love the composition and the sepia tone on this- I have a fascination with "life in the big city" pictures and this fits the image I have of what it must be like to be working poor in an expensive city. Is it New York? I'll have to come back and find out.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/02/2004 12:48:13 PM
I like the sense of movement the stairs give. Lighting is great.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/01/2004 09:17:26 PM
I don't like the use of sepia here. the colors of the walls and graffiti might have been more interesting, good angles though
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/31/2004 03:37:23 PM
Like the way the design moves the eye along. GOOD lines, direction, use of shadow and light.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/30/2004 07:20:06 PM
Nice lines and lighting
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10/30/2004 12:12:55 AM
Powerful image, my first 10 given. Good luck and congratulations on a truly great photograph!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/29/2004 06:01:33 PM
Very much on topic, very emotional in its bleakness. The leading lines make my eyes anticipate where the person is going to walk, then come back to her. The b&w works for this photo. Good job!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/29/2004 02:15:47 PM
my tip for the top
well done
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/29/2004 12:54:27 PM
Excellent composition, and lovely tones.
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10/29/2004 11:01:06 AM
Good idea, good lights... like sepia aswell.
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10/29/2004 08:51:03 AM
great capture...i have absolutely nothing to offer to improve it. one of my top picks for the challenge. good luck!
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10/29/2004 12:12:53 AM
Location, location, location. That really makes this one work. I don't see this one talking about homelessness, just down-on-your-luckness. I like the approach you used for this challenge. Good job.
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10/28/2004 11:59:50 PM
Hidden Poverty. Nice shot. Love the angles and the black and white. Upgraded to a 6
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/28/2004 09:51:31 PM
I really like the tone and composition. Hope it does well for you!
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10/28/2004 08:30:02 PM
One of my favorite takes on the challenge and superb title.
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10/28/2004 07:52:15 AM
This is great. Good eye.
10/28/2004 05:23:40 AM
NIce use of B&W and good interplay of shadows.
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10/27/2004 05:42:05 PM
To love in this situation does denote poverty ,I am not sure of the placement of the person pehaps another couple of steps up would have put him on an intersecting third, just a thought.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/27/2004 01:01:09 PM
I really like the lines in this one. Very nice composition and light.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/27/2004 03:33:49 AM
great mood and perspective - well done - 8
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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