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Just Dandy
Just Dandy

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transitions (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 880
Location: backyard
Date: Apr 20, 2002
Aperture: f3.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Date Uploaded: Apr 21, 2002


Place: 10 out of 104
Avg (all users): 6.3850
Avg (commenters): 6.8182
Avg (participants): 6.4375
Avg (non-participants): 6.3500
Views since voting: 1925
Votes: 200
Comments: 35
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/28/2002 06:14:00 PM
i wish the unopened dandelion were completely in focus! the lighting is great, though, and the stuff that is in focus is amazingly detailed!
04/27/2002 09:14:00 PM
Beautifully captured!
04/27/2002 10:52:00 AM
Really nice level of detail on the leaves and seeds
04/26/2002 06:59:00 PM
Nice detail. The focus looks a little blurred on the yellow one, to me. Perhaps a slightly different angle might have fixed that.
04/26/2002 06:02:00 PM
Nice composition and cropping.
04/26/2002 04:35:00 PM
Really nice! Naturally set, before/after look, you maybe want to try this rotated around towards the seedy dandelion so that the the tips of the new flower are
more in focus -1 point.
04/25/2002 11:58:00 AM
Hard shot to get, but I wish the closed dandelion had been in the DOF as well.
04/25/2002 05:45:00 AM
Too bad the yellow D. is not in focus.
04/24/2002 05:49:00 PM
Wish the yellow dandy had been in focus, but still a great transition and a great shot.
04/24/2002 05:09:00 PM
This is a very nice, very relaxing shot. Great detail.
04/24/2002 02:44:00 PM
Good composition, the yellow flower is a bit blurry, it should be more in focus or totally blurred.
04/23/2002 08:24:00 PM
I like how thre are a few stragglers jumping off the mother ship...
04/23/2002 05:58:00 PM
Nice detail.
04/23/2002 05:19:00 PM
Good Macro!
04/23/2002 12:47:00 PM
neither the flower bud nor the fluffhead seem to be in focus?
04/23/2002 11:47:00 AM
Very good picture. I like the compositont.
04/23/2002 10:07:00 AM
a lion of a pic. could have done with maximum f stop or was this not available - or problem with plant movement - f dictated by faster shutter speed - maybe flash would have helped?
04/23/2002 08:50:00 AM
Wow! Great photo with some excellent composition.
04/23/2002 05:54:00 AM
very, very nice
04/23/2002 04:39:00 AM
Excellent shot! Very clear!
04/22/2002 08:28:00 PM
Very Nice
04/22/2002 08:25:00 PM
wow, this is so much better than the other dandelion photo, why? because it's a real situation...nice find and nice photo
04/22/2002 02:41:00 PM
pretty, .........nice work.
04/22/2002 02:14:00 PM
Why is one wet?
04/22/2002 01:22:00 PM
very nice picture, however it could have been stronger if the yellow flower in front were more in focus.
04/22/2002 12:44:00 PM
such a pretty shot, with the water drops and all.
04/22/2002 10:51:00 AM
I really like this one, very good exposure and detail, but I don't think the dandylion on the right helps the shot, it's a bit blurry and isn't necessary to support the transition
04/22/2002 10:41:00 AM
I really like this shot even though the depth of field takes away from the transition.
04/22/2002 10:37:00 AM
I Like the little bit of action there.
04/22/2002 09:00:00 AM
Nicely composed shot with lots of details. Lighting hasn't helped you much here though, some fill flash or bounced light could have really lifted this which ha the potential to be great.
04/22/2002 08:32:00 AM
Excellent title excellent photo
04/22/2002 08:23:00 AM
Amazingly clear! As for a transition, I'm not seeing it.
04/22/2002 08:10:00 AM
Great detail, good sharp focus.
04/22/2002 08:04:00 AM
a little too typical for my eyes
04/25/2002 12:17:00 PM
Since the seeds are flying off, I don't think the blooming bud is needed in the shot to make it a transition. Excellent focus

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