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"Bad Dresser! No Eating the Babies! That's a BAD DRESSER!" - The Bizarre Nature of Househo
"Bad Dresser! No Eating the Babies! That's a BAD DRESSER!" - The Bizarre Nature of Househo

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bizarre Nature (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000
Location: Kamloops, B.C.
Date: Nov 2, 2004
Aperture: f5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60 sec
Date Uploaded: Nov 2, 2004

Megan being "Eaten" by her dresser, with Breeanna smacking it with a rolled up newspaper. If this isn't bizarre.. what is? I like the tongue. lol

Post Editing: USM, Brightness/Contrast, Channel Mixer.

Place: 221 out of 225
Avg (all users): 3.4787
Avg (commenters): 4.6667
Avg (participants): 3.1000
Avg (non-participants): 3.6634
Views since voting: 2515
Views during voting: 492
Votes: 305
Comments: 21
Favorites: 3 (view)

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03/01/2011 06:29:10 PM
come back, Artyste.
08/23/2006 09:09:18 PM
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04/26/2005 03:52:14 AM
What's a "Househo"? ;-)
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11/10/2004 03:04:24 AM
Originally posted by Artyste:

"A stretch to meet the challenge." - Well no shit Sherlock. hahaha.

hahahaha, That made my day :)

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11/10/2004 01:23:15 AM
well done artyste, like your response !!!
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11/10/2004 12:27:52 AM

Some of the comments on this piece slay me. Really.

"A stretch to meet the challenge." - Well no shit Sherlock. hahaha.

Anyway, It's always fun to do these amusing entries..
But, I got this one out of the way early, and can relax until December now.

(unless, of course, something serendipitously hilarious comes up before then.)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/09/2004 11:41:31 PM
Too funny. Shame the title got cut off, but still deserving of the ((10)) "just because".
Just because of your funny bone. Thanks for the chuckle!
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11/09/2004 11:28:21 PM
artyste. =)
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11/09/2004 12:50:06 PM
Funny dramatic story telling photo. Weird indeed. Would have scored higher if there was a direct link to the nature theme. Thanks for sharing.
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11/09/2004 09:09:44 AM
original idea not sure about composition
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11/08/2004 06:56:46 PM
A big stretch on the challenge to me. A cute shot though.
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11/07/2004 05:57:22 AM
Brilliant sense of humour behind this one. Might not have anything to do with nature per se but you get a nine from me!
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11/06/2004 08:49:28 PM
I donĂ¢€™t think this represents the challenge at all.
11/06/2004 04:32:03 PM
I'm not asking that you agree with me, but IMO this doesn't meet the challenge.
11/06/2004 03:40:47 PM
You streched the topic to the limits.
11/04/2004 12:08:43 PM
cute.... but its a stretch....
11/04/2004 10:28:51 AM
Great photo of the dreaded baby eating dresser. I've heard they're hard to capture on film.
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11/03/2004 06:18:45 PM
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11/03/2004 12:49:18 PM
given that you're indoors, i don't see how this has to do with nature at all ... much less anything "bizarre"
11/03/2004 10:12:07 AM
Too Funny!
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11/03/2004 01:22:53 AM
cute but i would make it look like she hitting the dresser and not the little baby

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