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A Stormy 16th
A Stormy 16th

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bizarre Nature (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon D100
Lens: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED
Location: The Potomac River
Date: Nov 2, 2004
Aperture: f/11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 5 secs
Galleries: Landscape
Date Uploaded: Nov 2, 2004

This is a true IR photo, taken with the Hoya RM72. If you look closely at the photo, you can see that it is raining behind over the river (background - behind the trees), while the sun is shining over the tops of the trees from the left. This was a great site to witness, and I was lucky enough to be doing IR at the time.

Place: 36 out of 225
Avg (all users): 6.0361
Avg (commenters): 6.7368
Avg (participants): 5.6364
Avg (non-participants): 6.2282
Views since voting: 1121
Views during voting: 418
Votes: 305
Comments: 21
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/09/2004 11:22:37 PM
Excellent exposure and composition, although not really bizarre. Good job.
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11/09/2004 09:42:48 PM
This is a good shot. The tree in the foreground distracts from the overall mood. I really like the inclusion of a person for scale.
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11/09/2004 02:51:00 PM
Good idea, but the two trees in the foreground are too distracting.
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11/09/2004 01:25:17 PM
Cool... I really like this one. Personally i think it would even be better without those two ber trees in the front.
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11/08/2004 08:00:46 PM
very cool looking!
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11/08/2004 07:11:45 PM
Cool image. Wish those two trees in the fg weren't there... :-/
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11/08/2004 06:29:24 PM
Very Nice Shot it just became my wallpaper it's a 10
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11/07/2004 03:53:29 PM
wow! too bad there is a big branch in center of the frame... But not really bizarre.
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11/07/2004 10:58:02 AM
Amazing! One of those pictures you could sell for sure. Great depth to this picture. Top marks on this one, only thing I would change is to take that person out of it (basic challenge can't to but if you were selling it)!
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11/07/2004 07:44:02 AM
I love the black and white giving a very threatening look to the sky. Good lighting of the snowy trees along the right hand side. Looks like a tough shot with the snow and shadows.
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11/06/2004 05:05:21 PM
Not so sure it fits the challenge but it's nicely captured. B&W was a good choice. Very good overall composition. Two trees in the foreground are a bit of a distraction, but not that much. If you were to edit for a print, I might clone out the right one ... but that's just an opinion. It conveys a nice emotional impact ... makes me want to put on a coat and go walking out there.
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11/04/2004 08:16:37 PM
I am really drawn to this image. However, I don't see how it relates to the challenge.
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11/04/2004 08:34:51 AM
Nice use of IR to fit the challenge.
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11/03/2004 09:38:07 PM
beautiful...ansel adams would be impressed
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11/03/2004 09:03:20 PM
Is this real IR or Photoshoped?
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11/03/2004 06:29:00 PM
Fascinating lighting. Is this really bizarre nature though, it looks pretty processed. I don't like the trees in the fortfront, very distracting. Otherwise a great pic
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11/03/2004 12:35:40 PM
cool picture. you should of taken without the 2 sticks in the foreground. 7
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11/03/2004 12:33:43 PM
ooooooh... ahhhhh... (Not much of a comment, but that's all I can think of. I love infrared.) 9
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11/03/2004 10:39:20 AM
I love it. Golf course pics can be very difficult to take, the high vantage point really is the only way to go,were you on a lift or hill?
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11/03/2004 03:44:39 AM
Very nice picture, good light and shadows. Not sure about central stick. And anything but bizzarre.
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11/03/2004 01:51:35 AM
i like the gray scale good shot
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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