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A new world just beyond the glass
A new world just beyond the glass

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Clichés (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix 2400Z
Location: At a window looking out into the front of my house
Date: Jan 31, 2003
Aperture: F3.4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Animals, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Feb 1, 2003

My dog montana constanty likes to look out the window. I saw her waiting there for my dad to come home and I ran to get my camera. Once I put it into my computer I converted the picture to black and white. I thought maybe the black and white would give more of a dramatic effect.

Place: 127 out of 246
Avg (all users): 5.2649
Avg (commenters): 7.3846
Avg (participants): 5.1930
Avg (non-participants): 5.3803
Views since voting: 1073
Votes: 185
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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02/12/2003 06:43:37 PM
I love your dog, but I'll try to still look at the photograph critically. ;P
This looks like one of those capture shots where you don't really have a lot of time to think about what you're doing so I would give you some slack in voting. However, if you want to know how to really perfect the shot, you might have to have someone stand outside and hold the dog's attention. This would give you more time to notice things like the distracting cord on the floor.
You also seem to have soft focus. A higher f number would help. That shutter speed is fast enough that camera shake shouldn't be a problem so I'm not really sure why it isn't sharper.
The fur is also a little overexposed. With such a difference between light and dark in one shot, you're going to have areas that are over or under exposed, but the dog shouldn't be one of them. Those areas of fur that have all the highlights blown out (along the top of the head and on the chest) are what you needed to expose for. It would also help if you could make more light in the room behind her so that the difference between light and dark isn't so great. However, I sort of like how she fades into the black.
Composition is good, but cropping could be better. You can do any shape you want so just drag a box around until all the distractions are gone. I'd crop off the top until that lit area in the left corner is gone, and then crop off the left side until that white area is gone.
I'm not really sure about the b&w since I don't have anything to compare it to. I sort of like the b&w, but I would also like to see the color of the dog. Maybe you can play around with saturation and channel levels for different variations.
You obviously have an eye for making good shots. Of course this appeals to dog lovers more than anyone else. Now you just need to focus on perfecting the technical aspects. I think that the score is a reflection on the focus,cropping, and exposure issues.
Keep on shooting!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/08/2003 03:08:24 AM
I LOVE this shot. Yes, Im a dog person, but this is a great catch. Good choice of B&W. Beautiful dog. You can see the wanting in his eyes. Good luck 10
02/07/2003 07:34:58 PM
I like it very much ... i love dogs and its amusing .... it makes u think
02/06/2003 03:36:52 PM
good black and white
02/06/2003 12:45:27 PM
Nice pose. It looks like your pet spends a lot of time in that spot!
02/05/2003 06:54:34 PM
This image looks very nice in black and white. I like the concept behind the photo as well. Good job! (and cute dog)
02/05/2003 11:29:59 AM
Nicely caught expression. I like the lighting too.
02/05/2003 02:10:36 AM
Looks like he's waiting for his master. Quite sharp and the B&W effect adds strength to the image.
02/04/2003 07:38:48 PM
very cute
02/04/2003 04:17:42 PM
very nice. one of the most natural animal shots in the bunch. focus is off a bit or it has been over sharpened in PS. still (10). might be worth a reshoot when there is time.
02/04/2003 12:52:24 PM
Composition: Excellent
Technical: I like the soft finish. Contrast works really well too. Possibly would have cropped the left-hand white object.
Meets challenge: Yes
Overall impression: Great pic. 9
02/04/2003 10:25:48 AM
great dog shot.. I wish more people would stop taking snapshots... yours obviously isn't however :) 8
02/03/2003 08:22:26 PM
One of the top dogs! I like the choice of black and white3 for this shot and the feeling of him looking out the window. This would look better with a few of the things easily removed with some spot editing after the contest is over, such as the things in the upper left background and the wire on the floor. You captured a contemplative moment in a dogs world very well.
02/03/2003 06:12:39 PM
My first comment is I like pet shots in color to get the full impact of the beauty of the animal. Maybe you intended it this way but it's a little too dark for me. The dog fades into the background - again I want to see all of him. Other than that this is beautiful. But looks more like waiting for daddy to come home.
02/03/2003 02:30:43 PM
Good picture, very creative.v gb gh

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