Hello from the Critique Club.
Initial Thoughts
Very interesting point of view, and what the heck is it?
Composition / Content
Composed nicely, I like how the lines merge with the clouds in the background, complementing each other, and giving that "sweeping" view. The content, however, is a little lacking in my opinion, with not enough there to really tie in to the Month of choice.
Great use of the background, having the cloud lines match up with the stalk, and the general direction of the plant itself.
Camera Work - Technical
A little underexposed, if you were going for detail on the plant, and a touch overexposed if you were going for a full sillhouette. Focus is hard to tell, but looks ok. DOF is good. My feeling is that showing the background in focus works for this piece.
Digital Processing
The first thing that jumps to mind is the over-sharpening halo around the plant. Could have used a little more work to either get some more detail in the plant itself, or to silhouette it fully, but that's just my subjective opinion.
Fits the Challenge
As I said, I find it a little weak on the tie-in to the month of November. (This feels more September/October to me), but not hugely so. I'm sure other people in other areas of the world would feel the monthly connection better. As for the connection to the challenge itself, "Calendar", this definitely looks like something that would be seen in a good botany calendar.
My Opinion on the Photo
A great perspective, and the sweeping lines are quite dramatic. I just find that I would have liked it better in either a full silhouette, or with more detail. Either/or. |