I had a whole huge plan. An egg carton full of eggs. I blew out the innards of about 7. I was going to put lights up through the bottom so that 7 out of an 18 box would glow mysteriously.
Ummm... I didn't really have the lights to do it.
I'll borrow Jesse's Christmas lights! But he's not home...
I should have one cracked, with eyes peering out! Yes!! Luckily, one had already broken. So I tried cutting eyes. You see, there's this black piece of construction paper. Cut small eyes in it, shove the paper into the egg, hinge the shell with tape.
Ummm.... I still don't have any light!
But lighting the back of the egg, painting it with light, none of this is working.
All right. I'm just going to set the flashlight on the table, just to see how the eyes light up.
Hey... That's kind of cool. But I need more light on the front of the egg.
Solution: Leave the flashlight where it is. Longer exposure, paint the front of the egg with another flashlight.
I really liked this shot. I thought it was silly and it made me smile. 6.7 for quite awhile. Precipitous drop to 6.4 and then on the last 2 days, had problems holding on to a 6. Unfortunately, the voting patterns have taken a lot of fun out of DPC. It's not really that anyone expects anything, but you used to get comments on silly entries. It seems like the joy has gone out of a lot of things here. And it seems like there's always 1s and 2s on almost every entry.
I'm tired and moaning, but thinking out loud. Started a job for the first time in a long, long time. After the first long day, I really didn't have much desire to enter anything tonight. I got an idea last minute, and just finished editing it. But I don't see much changing. It used to be fun watching things in voting. I'm still learning a lot, but I can't seem to do it just for that anymore.
I wish there was a fix. I wish Art would come back. I wish there would be joy again. I wish I wasn't so tired, up until 11:49 when I work tomorrow, just to watch another one flounder. I wish I had some Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby Ice Cream. I wish I could find a pure bred, blue merle, smooth collie puppy. I wish that college applications were over. I wish that pigs could fly so that a whole bunch of funky wishes would come true. I wish that beggars were horses so wishes could ride.
Yeah... I think it might be bedtime after all!
g'nite folks!
And thanks to the 2 intrepid, kind people who commented.
And huge congrats to Jesse for getting his Eagle Scout Rank last night!
Place: 9 out of 21 Avg (all users): 6.0000 Avg (commenters): 8.0000 Avg (participants): 6.1429 Avg (non-participants): 5.9787 Views since voting: 680 Views during voting: 153 Votes: 54 Comments: 6 Favorites: 0
Excellent in every way - it should be, in my opinion, have scored higher. However I can't get over the low voting - but I try to vote to counteract that.
I would love to belong the a forum that was friendly and made comments. Your vision is a good one - don't make the chipmunks and squirrels jealout though :)