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Celestial Flow
3rd PlaceCelestial Flow

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Macro Without Bugs or Flowers (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Olympus E-10
Location: In my shop in Escondido, CA
Date: Nov 9, 2004
Aperture: F6.3
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Abstract, Macro
Date Uploaded: Nov 9, 2004

A bottle of shampoo, lit from below with a hand-held fluorescent light. WB adjusted to 4000.

Auto level. NI for noise, PS for curves, saturation & contrast, color balance adjustments, NI for noise again and USM on lightness channel.

Place: 3 out of 528
Avg (all users): 6.8991
Avg (commenters): 8.7273
Avg (participants): 6.7788
Avg (non-participants): 7.0930
Views since voting: 9216
Views during voting: 477
Votes: 337
Comments: 54
Favorites: 26 (view)

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12/22/2005 10:04:03 PM
Tending to undervalue oneself and one's abilities.

See? Now you made me go out and look it up. Just when I was getting my self-esteem back, you bring this up again...
Gonna send you the bill from my Therapist.
12/22/2005 07:31:58 PM
i remember downloading the original and just trying to work it through to what you've rendered here. un-freaking-real what you are able to do. you are so self-deprecating, you should be slapped!
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06/22/2005 08:59:46 AM
This is exceptional. Very well done.
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12/01/2004 12:57:01 PM
You have a very creative mind to just think of that but anyways great job and keep up the good work.
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11/22/2004 04:14:42 AM
Originally posted by CeeDeez:

We'll be seeing you in the ribbons again soon! Congratulations.

And I had no idea so soon!

11/21/2004 09:22:42 PM
Groovy image, Brad. Congratulations on the ribbon!
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11/17/2004 09:09:44 PM
Wow! Another wonderful ribbon shot! I seem to recall in the debate re masters challenges you felt it was partly luck that earned some of your ribbons...well it isn't. Your ability to ribbon in different catagories with varying style is talent. We'll be seeing you in the ribbons again soon! Congratulations.
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11/17/2004 04:08:10 PM
Hey Brad: Congratulations on your yellow. You never cease to amaze.
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11/17/2004 11:47:41 AM
And to you brad I must say congrats on yet another ribbon. Keep up the great work man! =)
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11/17/2004 11:37:58 AM
Really amazing
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11/17/2004 10:37:45 AM
Congratulations! Well done!
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11/17/2004 09:36:25 AM
this is a seriously cool photo. it is a little cliche in the 'drip' factor, yet so original.
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11/17/2004 09:26:35 AM
you are on a roll, congrats
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11/17/2004 09:23:05 AM
I hoped you'd make the first place, but third is good, too. Congratulations!
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11/17/2004 08:16:24 AM
Congrats Brad...you never cease to amaze me! :o)
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11/17/2004 07:56:25 AM
Great job and congrats on your ribbon! I love the ideas that came pouring out with this challenge, it's an insiration for me...
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11/17/2004 06:46:51 AM
Brad! You never stop amazing me! Great capture!

How is jail?

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11/17/2004 06:28:20 AM

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11/17/2004 03:39:27 AM
One of 3 10's I gave in this challenge. Well deserved ribbon :) Congratulations!
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11/17/2004 02:02:39 AM
Well done, a worthy ribbon.
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11/17/2004 01:13:29 AM
Great shot Brad ! One of my favorites .Congrad's:)
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11/17/2004 12:53:07 AM
Originally posted by bledford:

Great shot. I'm curious about your indication of the use NeatImage twice on the image. Anyway, great shot and congrats on the ribbon. You are now the official "guy who keeps winning ribbons" guy.

Thanks Brad,
Here is the original shot, resized only. (compressed to save portfolio space)
One run through NI was for obvious noise issues with the E-10 at ISO160.
After basics, I ran it again just to see what would happen, and found it gave the opaque look to the rings on the bottle neck.

Message edited by author 2004-11-17 00:57:35.
11/17/2004 12:37:23 AM
Great one Brad!!! Well deserved top 3 !!! Keep it up!! U de man!! :-)
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11/17/2004 12:33:05 AM
Great shot. I'm curious about your indication of the use NeatImage twice on the image. Anyway, great shot and congrats on the ribbon. You are now the official "guy who keeps winning ribbons" guy.
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11/17/2004 12:24:39 AM
One of my favorite photos of this (quite over submitted) challenge.

Congrad's :)
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11/17/2004 12:13:03 AM
way to go even if it was last min. u got the yellow ribbon not me or 528 others so way to go!

love this shot
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11/17/2004 12:09:09 AM
Awsome shot Brad, well done and congradulations.
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11/17/2004 12:08:40 AM
Another last-minute idea I almost gave up on. (Shot less than 2 hrs before the cut-off time) Had quite the mess going too, pour with one hand and shoot with the other! missed the cup a few times, but had a really clean desk when I was done)

Thanks all!
11/17/2004 12:03:02 AM
Slow down! Your ribbons might start to stick together if they're still hot. Congrats!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/16/2004 09:18:05 PM
Damn, this is fine !
you must tell us what is that and how'd you achieve the blue look.
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11/16/2004 05:16:19 PM
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11/16/2004 02:39:50 PM
VERY nice.
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11/16/2004 02:35:36 PM
This one is just awesome. Good job.
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11/15/2004 10:19:42 PM
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11/15/2004 08:33:26 AM
Gorgeous! Faultless! One of the very few tens I've ever given.
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11/14/2004 11:42:57 PM
very good
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11/14/2004 05:49:31 PM
wow... nice capture. a little harsh on the eyes though after the PS work. maybe tone it down a bit ;)
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11/14/2004 02:54:44 PM
Woahw! This ain't water, is it?Those tiny specks look awesome. And you cropped it just right. I really can't find anything to critisize. Looks great. The first 10 I'm giving out for this contest!
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11/13/2004 05:13:39 AM
Ooo, I like this a lot. Great blues and lighting. Great interpretation of the sparkles of light.
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11/12/2004 11:31:39 AM
Good color. Looks like some glittery gel.
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11/12/2004 10:56:23 AM
Really nice shot. I think the blue toning is a bit strong but I do like this a lot.
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11/11/2004 09:47:01 PM
Nice job! Great sharp colors and detail.
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11/11/2004 05:12:37 PM
Very cool. This reminds me of a more refreshing version of the SNL skit "Swill" with the bottled water coming from Lake Erie. If you don't know what I'm referring to then never mind. LOL
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11/10/2004 04:28:28 PM
One of my favorites from this set. I am partial to the coloring you chose and I really like the way the bubbles have been captured.
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11/10/2004 04:16:38 PM
A lot of drops and liquids but I like the lighting and gel like look of this one.
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11/10/2004 03:05:24 PM
Nice idea!
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11/10/2004 02:13:03 PM
Alternative to the big bang theory? =) Pretty good, i would make it a non-square.
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11/10/2004 01:18:59 PM
Absolutly love it, colour, detail, the whole image, NICE!!! My favourite
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11/10/2004 10:01:10 AM
OMG!!!! is that water or gel? the lights, tones and composition are perfect!
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11/10/2004 09:33:49 AM
Color, composition and DOF- all great. Good title. You've made an interesting image out of a mundane subject. Nice work!
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11/10/2004 08:21:52 AM
Extremely cool! Wonder how you pulled this off. Anyway, love the single colour in this image and just the whole image, it is one of the best in the challenge IMO and it was easy to rate this 10.
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11/10/2004 02:05:20 AM
nice shot

thats all there is to it!
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11/10/2004 02:03:23 AM
Absolutely beautiful shot with great colors. Really nice job.
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11/10/2004 01:21:25 AM
Gorgeous color - love this! 10
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