Author | Thread |
11/27/2004 04:59:46 AM |
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11/26/2004 09:06:28 PM |
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11/24/2004 12:42:23 PM |
Til Hamingju!!!! Þessi mynd er geðveik |
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11/22/2004 08:05:50 PM |
Congratulations!!!! You are by far the best on this site!! |
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11/22/2004 06:13:13 PM |
Congratulations on your ribbon with this absolutely beautiful shot! |
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11/22/2004 02:14:31 PM |
Bravo Heida!
This was one of my top five favorites in this challenge.
Well Done and congrats on the Red! |
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11/22/2004 02:00:23 PM |
One of my favs :) |
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11/22/2004 01:35:35 PM |
This was my only 10 in the challenge. Very emotive shot. Ironic that you applied some sharpening post-processing, after all the work to make it out-of-focus. :)
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11/22/2004 01:31:22 PM |
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11/22/2004 01:28:36 PM |
þú ert dpc hetjan mÃÂn
algert æði |
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11/22/2004 07:35:36 AM |
yours is really the only one I liked very much here... you really captured the spirit of a Renoir in this shot. |
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11/22/2004 07:25:51 AM |
Once again you have proven your masterful skills, creative imagination, and unique talent. Congratulations |
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11/22/2004 07:25:16 AM |
A true work of art!! well deserved!! Awsome!!! |
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11/22/2004 07:21:09 AM |
Good one Heida, congrats! |
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11/22/2004 07:18:53 AM |
Congratulations on your ribbon. This is interesting how you did it and sounds like something fun to try. |
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11/22/2004 06:41:45 AM |
Certainly different and certainly very good. It's of course not the typical DPC picture but I hope one day images like these become more acceptable in other challenges too.
Congratulations on the Ribbon. And thanks for the details. |
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11/22/2004 05:50:45 AM |
Congrats Heiða !
Unusula work but I like it ! |
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11/22/2004 05:26:44 AM |
Congratulations Heiða! You keep rocking dpchallenge with your excellent images! |
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11/22/2004 05:06:55 AM |
Congratulations Heiða on yet an other top of the line artistic photo. |
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11/22/2004 02:00:58 AM |
Thanks guys for all the comments and the for the ribbon! :D |
11/22/2004 01:36:09 AM |
Congratulations Heiða, this is one of your best work to this point. |
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11/22/2004 12:50:51 AM |
I'm so happy this ribboned. For me this was the blue. |
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11/22/2004 12:23:35 AM |
Congratulations Heida! I seriously thought you had a lock on the blue. This is just an awesome image. Into the favorites it goes... |
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11/22/2004 12:18:41 AM |
Doesn't suprise me you ribboned. You're one of my favorites for a reason. I like so many of your other shots so much better yet fully respect trying things which are outside the box (see my ownn entries in just about any challenge). You are still one of the only photographers on here that really just blow me away.
Joe. |
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11/22/2004 12:12:52 AM |
One of my tens. Really beautiful. Congratulations! |
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11/22/2004 12:05:12 AM |
Over 1000 votes and I've never given a 10 . . . until now. |
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11/22/2004 12:04:34 AM |
Congratulations on your red with this haunting image. |
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11/22/2004 12:03:23 AM |
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11/22/2004 12:02:37 AM |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/21/2004 10:30:36 PM |
now this looks like impressionism to me :) . 10. |
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11/21/2004 09:09:45 PM |
This is just fabulous! Wonderful colors, composition and emotion, with just enough focus to capture the moment. My pick for blue- hope to see you there! 10 |
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11/21/2004 07:06:47 PM |
Invitational Challenge Level: Experienced
Challenge link: strong.
Image critique: painterly treatment appears to override the actual impressionistic quality in the photo, but this is a good use of technique for the subject. It's emotive and well composed - if a little too processed for my preference. Blue looks a little too pushed and comes forward in the shot too far, when really a more subdued hue would leave the key subject in the spotlght (so to speak).
Out-of-challenge appeal: it's interesting so I will revisit.
Score: 7 |
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11/21/2004 03:17:09 PM |
nice work one of the top winners I think |
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11/21/2004 10:14:34 AM |
This is really nice. I love the blue colors through out this image. Nice composition. |
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11/21/2004 01:14:07 AM |
returning for comments.
On second reflection, this image is haunting and I am returning to bump again.Cool image and cool effect. I love it. The type which is expected to score very high. Bumping up. |
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11/20/2004 03:10:09 AM |
I think this works well for this challenge, but hey, I'm no art critic. :) One of the strongest entries in my book. Curious how the original appeared and the post processing performed to acheive this look. 8 |
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11/19/2004 06:34:44 PM |
Painting like quality = excellent.
You've got the cold blue on one side and warmer toning on the other side. The strange 45 degree change is bugging me a bit, but the way the girl is portrayed well makes up for that. The girl flowes. The detail is just enough to show that she has her hands in her pockets, that a purple scarve leads to her face, that she might be blond and has something woolen on her head. Cold indeed.
On the other hand the lack of detail makes this timeless. The scene might very well be from the time that the 'master' impressionist were creating their classic paintings.
I like it a lot and therefore give this a 10. |
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11/19/2004 12:46:28 AM |
Very moody. Love the colors and emotion. |
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11/18/2004 09:37:35 PM |
Curious about how you got the blue/white light contrast. Something in the wall and her jacket seemed to cause your camera to draw lines through her. Otherwise this is yet another of those top-scoring submissions in this very talented challenge. |
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11/18/2004 02:10:54 PM |
Excellent. I like the colors, the subject with movement, the light. I like it all the way around. It will finish in the top three for sure. |
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11/17/2004 07:03:44 PM |
Dear wonderful photographer,
Please PM me how to do this effect. It is perfect.
Your fan,
Matt |
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11/17/2004 01:09:40 PM |
Interesting composition, great mood. Good colors too. I like this one :) |
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11/17/2004 12:21:12 AM |
I love this. It doesn't matter how you created it, you managed to flatten it out, the colors are moody and it tells it's own story. Nice. |
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11/16/2004 11:36:34 PM |
Love the colors and and feel of an impressionistic painting.(7) |
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11/16/2004 08:56:24 PM |
I love this, it looks like a painting, great colors and technique... |
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11/16/2004 06:00:10 PM |
The whole thing really works for me except for her jacket- the horizontal lines there are distracting to my eye. Still an 8. |
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11/16/2004 03:39:39 AM |
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11/16/2004 02:31:48 AM |
Superb job in this challenge. Lighting and composition are perfect.
My pick for a top 5 placing.
Well Done ((10)) |
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11/16/2004 02:08:02 AM |
abosolutely beautiful the best of this challenge! well done I love it! (10) |
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11/16/2004 01:00:50 AM |
wonderful depiction of impressionism. should ribbon easily. |
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11/15/2004 11:25:42 PM |
My only 10 this challenge. A truly moving image. |
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11/15/2004 09:26:46 PM |
true impressionism at it's best. I can't wait to see how you did this one. Love the selective use of light and motion. Wonderful. |
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11/15/2004 09:20:21 PM |
This has an eery, dark and forboding feeling to it. That is not a bad thing. I like the way your picture creates a mood with light and color. Well done. |
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11/15/2004 09:09:38 PM |
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11/15/2004 07:14:44 PM |
this feels cold! excellent work. the colors and lighting really get the job done. it's not that i'm enjoying this image, but it is extremely moving. |
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11/15/2004 02:57:06 PM |
There's something about this photo that I really like but I simply cannot put my finger on it. Good job and good luck. |
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11/15/2004 10:55:13 AM |
Wonderful impressionist photo. Love the figure of the girl. Just the right amount of blur. Great colours, and very effective mood. Great sense of mystery. 10 |
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11/15/2004 10:35:33 AM |
I'd like to see this one win, my top pick. |
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11/15/2004 10:30:12 AM |
I really like the painterly feel to this. The texture of the rock is especially interesting. The light on the subject is also very nice and isolated, adding good emphasis. Fine work. 8 |
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11/15/2004 08:10:24 AM |
excellent colors. I like the composition so much and the visible shadows. Great. Must be on top. |
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11/15/2004 06:08:34 AM |
Somehow the golden colour on her doesn´t make me "feel" the cold november night but this shot is awesome so don´t get me wrong, I couldn´t pull this off in a million years. |
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11/15/2004 04:47:17 AM |
This image grips my imagination! I've been sitting here creating stories about the girl. It's wonderful, great atmospheric colours and the composition creates a sense of drama. |
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11/15/2004 04:22:32 AM |
This is well done, the light works very well and colors flow together very nicely. 9. |
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11/15/2004 12:51:14 AM |
Wonderful, first true impressionism from what I seen so far. 10. |
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11/15/2004 12:22:02 AM |
I would make the blue a little softer, although i understand it's about a cold november night, still. So, 9. |
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11/15/2004 12:07:39 AM |
great 10
Message edited by langdon - test. |
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