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~Not Clever Enough~
~Not Clever Enough~

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Where's Waldo? (Classic Editing)
Camera: Polaroid PDC 1320
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Date: Feb 8, 2003
Galleries: Humorous, Nature
Date Uploaded: Feb 8, 2003

We had so much fun taking this photograph. It's my hubby, Dan back there! score: 4.9

Place: 81 out of 121
Avg (all users): 4.6340
Avg (commenters): 5.6364
Avg (participants): 4.4730
Avg (non-participants): 4.7333
Views since voting: 1033
Votes: 194
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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02/17/2003 02:30:08 PM
critique club comment


Your composition is pretty strong. I think cropping the photo more on the bottom would increase the focus on your subject. The bush with the leg sticking out is centered which is good for bringing the viewer's attention to the leg. As soon as I saw this pic I knew it was shot in AZ because the colors are so muted. Overall composition is good, but I think it is confusing because I honestly think that the "leg" looks nothing like and actual leg and as I look closer at the picture I can see what looks like a man on the balcony in the background of the pic. Is this what was supposed to be the focal point? It seems by some of the comments that others were confused as well.


The background is good and completes the look of the photo. The cut lines on the grass lead naturally to the background. Nothing Much to add here, sorry.


This could be just a result of your camera, but I have to say that the main issue with most of your photos is the soft focus on all of the photos. This makes it hard to see details and in a challenge like waldo details are essential. If things were clearer people wouldn't be so confused and it would be easier for you to convey what you need to convey. The lighting is good. It may be a tad dark but not that bad.
There does not appear to be much post processing.

[b]My Opinion[/]

This was one of the more original Waldo shots in the challenge. I like this a lot but the soft focus really hurts the photo because it doesn't give the viewer a chance to figure out what is going on. This is one of the few that actually met the challenge in my opinion, and you should be commended for that. Just work on that focus and you should be set.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/16/2003 03:37:25 AM
I still say it should be darker...whoops wrong photo.
02/15/2003 09:57:18 PM
Is the rock really that pint and the bushes that red? Very unique. Gives a pink cast to the whole photo, very soft pink. That must be Waldo back on the patio in the corner. Very hard to spot, but not really hidden either. First thought he was the "thing" offsetting the center tall bush. That would have been a perfect way to hide him. Nice photo with really nice focus. Wish it were a little lighter, but still nice photo.
02/14/2003 02:21:02 PM
good job. good idea
02/12/2003 04:38:27 PM
I see the leg.....It's an O.K. photo, but I can't really say the focus is good/bad or other (the plants seem less than distinct). The color seems a little diminished, try upping the saturation a little (digi-cams drain color, but a little saturation goes a long way). I keep thinking this needs something more....maybe a face peeking around the bush? 5 Swash
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02/11/2003 11:42:24 PM
I knew this would be a tough challenge... If the subject is too easy to find it isn't good, but if it's too hard to find same thing. :( But you sould have found somewhere better to hide "Waldo" because those are the ugliest bushes I've ever seen!!
02/11/2003 08:07:51 PM
Ha, this one made me laugh.
02/11/2003 11:38:46 AM
I see Waldo :-) Well his leg anyway. However just a tad blurry and for some reason seems very red to me. Good idea though.
02/10/2003 04:24:29 PM
Hilarious! Clever idea!
02/10/2003 03:58:56 PM
very nice
02/10/2003 05:47:15 AM
very clever 8
02/10/2003 01:51:57 AM
This is funny! I like the colour and balance! Good one!

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