SO very close!!! the photo is tilted though and make your head tilt to compensate. In standard editing, you can get that paint brush and put it on white with maybe a 20% and paint that smoke, so that it stands out more,. Or you could dodge it a little. Also , something I do, is I hold my hands up, side by side look at a photo through my hands to see if there would be a better crop. I think if you cropped it in-between those outer plants directly on that white 'chair"(?) on the right hand side and just after that white/red pillar on the left, you would have had a good crop and more dramatic photo. Also, I am seeing, blue in teh sky at the middle of your photo, but then very grey at the left and right hand top sides. If you use a gradient filter set to blue(ish) you would have a great colour for the sky and it would increase teh colour in the upper building. |