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Don't you dare!
Don't you dare!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Authority (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Cambridge, UK
Date: Nov 21, 2004
Aperture: 7.1
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Animals, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Nov 23, 2004

Jazz, my 'invisible' cat, is very fond of sneaking onto the dinner table during meals - paying absolutely no attention to our authority!

Very simple shot that seems to have exposed quite nicely using the poxy onboard flash. Cropped, levels, contrast and slight unsharpen mask.

Hope I don't get marked down for not going via the standard sign / document / uniform route for Authority :)

Place: 112 out of 149
Avg (all users): 4.6436
Avg (commenters): 6.2727
Avg (participants): 4.4675
Avg (non-participants): 4.7121
Views since voting: 971
Views during voting: 404
Votes: 275
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/30/2004 10:02:31 PM
returning for comment:
How can anybody deny such a lovely expression of great expectations. A real beauty and great b/w with good detail. Bumping to 7
11/30/2004 07:19:43 PM
Nice capture. I'm not convinced the bottom third-ish of this picture is entirely necessary, though I suppose it lends a sense of height. Lighting is a bit harsh, but I appreciate the candid nature of this shot.
11/30/2004 05:03:01 PM
In this picture the cat looks anxious to catch somrthing or try to do something that a cat would do when it playing around .
11/29/2004 11:39:51 PM
Doesn't illustrate the challenge. Nice kitty. You managed to avoid flash in the kitty which is always good.
11/27/2004 12:12:07 PM
11/26/2004 01:35:34 PM
if i strip away the title and did not know what the challenge was, authority would never cross my mind. i would be left with a nice bw image, nicely lit and sharply focused.
11/25/2004 05:46:03 AM
What a nice puss :) I understand the picture and I like it very much. I give you an 8, because I see something interesting in this picture. If only the background was completely black... becuase it's not the shot lost some power.
11/24/2004 07:45:35 PM
I LOVE the expression you captured on this cat's face. The lighting is amazing! A+
11/24/2004 07:32:40 PM
This is very cute. The look of anticipation on her face. One of the stronger entries.
11/24/2004 01:57:40 PM
This title seems known to me...Funny how the same statement can suggest two completely different things. I'd have put the plate a bit further into the image. The cat really seems eager to jump right onto it, I like that.
11/24/2004 08:04:57 AM
Great detail in the cats fur.
11/24/2004 02:42:42 AM
oh he/she soo will....

your forgetting who your talking to its a cat not going to lissen.-LOL
nice shot cute cat

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