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07/17/2019 02:47:35 PM |
I think it's the ice cream (container on the left) that's lulling him to sleep. Can't figure out the hat.. |
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04/01/2019 01:52:33 PM |
do we get wiser with age or does it just get easier to count our hairs?
I'll let you know |
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03/31/2019 05:50:48 PM |
How we analyze this image says more about us than him. You have left the door that open. The man's presence works well with Don's poetry. I'd like to think he is concentrating on a story coming through his phone. |
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03/31/2019 12:38:03 AM |
The real question is what is that on the bill of the hat on the counter and why isn't it sliding off. Just another of life's unanswered questions. Then there's that container of ice cream in the plastic bag to the side. It looks like he's been into it. Can ice cream act as a soporific? What a way to go. |
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03/29/2019 11:40:12 PM |
his posture could mean anything .. and that's what i like about this .
there is so much to assume .. and probably very little that would be correct ..
so many stories in this image ..
time marches on ..
heaven will come whether we like it or not ..
i have a feeling we will like it a lot .. !! .. :) |
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03/29/2019 11:04:47 PM |
He is listening to something beyond electronics.
I am sure that you photographed this man before and you showed his face, obscured now as befitting your theme |
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03/29/2019 05:23:10 PM |
I guess you could read a lot of things into this image. An elderly fellow falling asleep while holding his cell phone. Not that unusual actually.. when we get older we tend to doze off more easily. My grandparents referred to this as resting their eyes. lol
Interesting capture. |
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03/29/2019 03:49:45 PM |
Ha yeah, you canĂ¢€™t change one hair of it but change is all there is.
Is he nodding off, is he having an emotional crisis, is he having an epiphany, or is he simply passing wind, love the questions posed by this image. |
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03/29/2019 11:52:11 AM |
Another fine image in accompaniment to Don's book of poems. A fine match of talented photographer and poetry of bounteous ideas and images. I'm taken with the composition -- quarter circles in the lower corners, a rectilinear background and a free form middleground. The man, scant of hair on his head, is almost in repose and of triangular form, transitioning nicely from front to back. The depth of field is perfect. The overall scene is excellent.
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