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I'm Outta Here!
I'm Outta Here!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Yellow (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S602Z
Location: Home
Date: Feb 13, 2003
Aperture: f4.0
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Humorous
Date Uploaded: Feb 14, 2003

Original image size: 2832x2128
Post processing included the following in PhotoShop: Rotated, Performed Auto Levels, Performed Auto Contrast, and cropped. Also resized to the maximum of 640 pixels.
(This was staged in a cookie-sheet full of
table salt with low controlled light)

Place: 141 out of 252
Avg (all users): 4.9700
Avg (commenters): 6.5333
Avg (participants): 4.9030
Avg (non-participants): 5.1061
Views since voting: 1176
Votes: 200
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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03/09/2003 01:05:22 AM
I really thought this would do better. This is one of my favorites.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/23/2003 12:19:32 AM
Really cute -- made me laugh. Thanks!
02/21/2003 05:52:52 PM
LOL! Fantastic. Really brings a smile to my face : )
I really like the tracks, very nicely done, and the DoF with the focus on the yellow m&m ensures it meets the challenge. Lighting is spot on, giving a never-ending snowfield effect and nice shadows.
Great work, can't resist giving it a 10.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/21/2003 11:02:18 AM
A little out of foucs but I due like the though that was put into it
02/21/2003 10:22:16 AM
Somehow the framing is wrong here. The focus of my attention is on Taz, not the escapee. Perhaps you needed to get more at "ground level". 7 - floyd
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02/21/2003 01:25:18 AM
I woulld probably have focused more on Taz than the yellow sweet. I like the tracks though, nice touch.
02/20/2003 06:13:19 AM
lol ... way funny, to bad the back is so much out of focus, but then again the subject is yellow
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02/20/2003 01:22:41 AM
yes the mm is yellow, but the color is not dominant enough for this weeks theme... even out of focus, taz seems to be the dominant subject... however I can see that you inended shallow DoF and you did acheieve that to the T. nice job
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/19/2003 09:42:53 PM
With this DOF you should not have had a shadow and dark spot on the yellow M&M. There's so little of it as there is. Like the composition. Very different. To me with the effect of putting one in the mouth the entire photo should have been in focus and make that the one that is yellow. To me personally that makes the most sense. But then, that's just my thought. Still nice idea. Just needs better execution.
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02/18/2003 05:09:21 PM
I quite like this image! Good lighting, DOF and originality!
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02/18/2003 12:36:48 PM
I love this. It tells a story. Regardless of what anybody saays this could not have worked without the shallow depth of field and the low lighting. Congratulations on a very unique idea and a terrific image. (9)
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02/18/2003 07:55:43 AM
Very cute, the yellow retreats while the rest attack, double dose of the word "yellow".
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02/17/2003 03:34:07 AM
Should have zoomed in on the yellow m&m from a lower angle and with more light on it. That would have been pretty cool. As it is, you can't really what the subject is. :(
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02/17/2003 03:19:27 AM
is that sugar?
02/17/2003 01:52:14 AM
it would have been better without the depth of focus difference
02/17/2003 12:52:57 AM
Cute shot. Very creative. I like the dof here and lighting. good luck
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/17/2003 12:40:39 AM
Cute :) I like the use of DOF here.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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