These bracelets are the latest fad. They're a fundraiser of the Lance Armstrong foundation, come in all different sizes, and cost $1 (US). This was taken outside on a (very, very) bright start to December, and I threw the black point way down to get this effect.
To reduce the glare from the hairs in the shadow of my arm, I actually shaved that portion of my arm. Nevertheless, I still got a few hairs. That's the stubble that grew from the goosebumps (just because it's sunny doesn't mean it's warm), this was actually my forth go at it, hence my forth time outside, hence the stubble.
Voted down on:
1) Unoriginality: Probably, there will be more than one of these bracelets in the challenge. I can assure you, I'm at most the third, probably the first of these to be submitted.
2) Glare on the hairs in the negative space. Well, you try taking this picture when it's 25 degrees outside and not grow wrist stubble.
3) Whole bracelet not visible. Yeah, it's something I wish I could improve. Too bad it's physically impossible to feature the entity of the words on said bracelet in the frame, huh?
I'm actually really proud of this image. I think it will do well, possibly my best yet. It's my most creative use of post processing for sure, maybe I'll post the unedited original just for contrast. Who knows, the yellow in it may beckon for a ribbon of the same color? :o)
Place: 84 out of 393 Avg (all users): 5.5263 Avg (commenters): 7.5000 Avg (participants): 5.4634 Avg (non-participants): 5.6116 Views since voting: 1052 Views during voting: 423 Votes: 285 Comments: 11 Favorites: 1 (view)