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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Landmarks (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED
Location: Custom House Quay, Dublin, Ireland
Date: Dec 4, 2004
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Emotive, Travel
Date Uploaded: Dec 4, 2004

Famine Memorial on Custom House Quay, Dublin, Ireland.

'These statues commemorate the Great Famine of the mid 19th century when Ireland lost more than one million people to famine and emigration.
The statues were designed and crafted by Dublin sculptor Rowan Gillespie'

My idea here was to use the naked trees and overexpose a bit by spot metering to pretty dark statues to get a rather empty background to create a lifeless scene around the statue.
I hope I have done justice to a great piece of powerful art.
Processing (Photoshop CS):

- Cloned out a few distracting elements in the bottom left corner.
- Curves for contrast
(Original is a bit more overexposed than I had intended to and looks more washed out).
- Channel Mixer to convert to Monochrome.
- Hue/Saturation for the tint.
- Resampled.
- Applied Unsharp Mask.

Place: 25 out of 143
Avg (all users): 6.1914
Avg (commenters): 8.3333
Avg (participants): 6.1053
Avg (non-participants): 6.2632
Views since voting: 1964
Views during voting: 318
Votes: 209
Comments: 30
Favorites: 6 (view)

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09/06/2005 01:36:38 PM
The stark white background along with the barren trees in the background really adds to the imagery that you wish to portray here: a cold, stark, and empty world. The statue carries another figure and on the face we can clearly see the anguish crafted into it's face. All elements combine to make us 'see' a little of the pain and suffering that occured during Ireland's Great Potato Famine.
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12/16/2004 08:33:22 AM
One of my top three choices for this challenge. Your choice of sepia and processing for a stark white background with reduced and sketchy detail is perfect for the message contained within this image. Great job! You have my admiration for this marvelous composition.
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12/14/2004 05:17:49 PM
Very good job Aznym. You have managed to make the sculpture and the background work perfectly together.

When looking at this photo Sinead O Connors lyrics to her song Famine echo in my head.
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12/14/2004 06:53:07 AM
Normally statue images hold little interest, but I think this one stands out. Great job...
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12/13/2004 01:37:05 PM
i thought i commented on this. i dont know what happened.
my point was, if it were up to me this would have placed much higher
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12/13/2004 12:59:29 PM
this was one of my favorite images of the challenge. very thoughtful and beautifully presented. well done!
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12/13/2004 05:08:10 AM
aznym, you have done more than justice to this sculpture...you have truly captured the essence of its being!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/12/2004 11:09:00 PM
This shot really captures the mood of your subject. Great detail and choice of border to accentuate the bleakness portrayed. VERY good shot. Bumping up. 10.
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12/12/2004 05:53:12 PM
Very moving statuary, and the stark white sky and winter trees are a perfect match - 9
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12/12/2004 02:07:04 AM
This is a great picture. The fact that you blew out the whites so the trees look so stark and starving. This photo shows famine and despair perfectly. I wouldn't change a thing. a striking image 10
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12/11/2004 04:52:08 PM
I am usually not fond of high key images, but in this case it works well..... adds to the starkness and misery of your subject.
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12/11/2004 02:50:46 AM
Very Powerful and moving...goood luck!!!
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12/10/2004 08:17:29 AM
That background gives a lot of additional impact - well done
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12/09/2004 05:00:22 PM
The stark contrast works great for the subject, the placement of the monument in the frame is also good.
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12/09/2004 03:15:29 PM
Simple photograph, yet elegant. Like the tone. HIgh emotional impact.
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12/09/2004 01:42:06 AM
The blown out sky helps the image I think due to the content. Nice.
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12/08/2004 08:40:09 PM
What a stark, commanding image to draw us in and keep us there. Like good poetry or music, I can feel something differently each time I visit this image. There is a bleak, frigid barrenness depicted, but also an emerging hope in my eyes.
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12/08/2004 12:51:51 PM
I for one like the overprocessed look in this one. I consider it a strong entry.
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12/08/2004 11:47:26 AM
A haunting image, nicely composed which suits the tonal treatment you have applied.
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12/08/2004 06:13:54 AM
very original, nice composition, quite eerie
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12/07/2004 10:15:04 PM
An image with very deep implications. The barren trees completes the effect. 7
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12/07/2004 04:14:53 PM
I'm usually not impressed by photographs of sculpture but you really captured emotion in this one. Nice composition and exposure.
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12/07/2004 03:00:39 PM
I like the parrallel of the thin trees and the sculpture...good job editing and contrasting with the right amount of white light. Where is this?
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12/06/2004 09:46:57 PM
It looks like you used duotones, its stronger with this. 9
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12/06/2004 09:21:14 PM
you have brought this sculpture to life. my God, this evokes a scream of raging silence! i would love to see before and afters on this, just to better understand how you are able to draw this image out. i'd also love to see a dead-on documentary style shot just to compare what everybody else sees with what you saw. the despair and desolation and anguish are almost too much to bear. this is easily one of the most powerful images on this site!
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12/06/2004 06:29:44 PM
Disturbing subject matter, but well composed, emotional. The statue works well with the leafless trees in the background.
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12/06/2004 04:56:53 PM
Very emotive capture... suffereing expressions. Well done with overexposed sky. Good job.
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12/06/2004 09:21:15 AM
Your background and tones add to sculpture and to the subject matter. 10
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12/06/2004 06:43:35 AM
you have captured more than an image... you have captured the feeling. congratulations on something great.
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12/06/2004 12:49:45 AM
nice, like the trees too
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