Berkeley Peace Wall -- Dedicated in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this monument to peace consists of ceramic tiles decorated by citizens and organizations.
Cropped a little; tone curve to bring out detail in the plants in the background; two applications USM at 88%/0.8 dia/TH=5; JPEG=6/10
Place: 130 out of 143 Avg (all users): 4.7170 Avg (commenters): 3.0000 Avg (participants): 4.7041 Avg (non-participants): 4.7281 Views since voting: 1187 Views during voting: 301 Votes: 212 Comments: 6 Favorites: 0
OMG! This is thr funniest thing I've ever seen, wow, damn! talk about one being born every minute! Anyways as for the photo, the colors are great, the subjet good (even if it is only for a laugh) what really bugs me is the person blocking a good chunk of the view somehow I dont think he's part of the landmark, I would have liked to see this without him, and perhaps from a slightly different angle say from the left a few more feet....However, still a 5, just cause it made me laugh, Thanks Mike
Good landmark, not a great shot. Pull back, frame the landmark, not this guy. Why is he intresting to you? In this shot it is more about him looking at the wall than the wall. The wall looks cool, I just wish I could see more of it. Also, why not wait till "magic hour" for this shot, some evening or early morning light would have helped alot.
Well, it's neat enough in terms of focus, and the tonality seems accurate. I don't follow your thinking with this composition - the (partial) inclusion of the figure, who seems particularly uninterestingly posed. The arrangement of your major elements in frame - two bands of wall and bushes, and that figure a touch lower and heavily to the right side of frame. The detail of the wall is interesting, but this shot addds very little to that, and indeed I think removes from it with the inclusion of those other elements. What was it that interested you in this scene? Was there a specific thing you wre trying to communicate to us? I don't see it I fear, yet I'm sure there is a shot to be foundd at the location somehow.