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Spremuta Del Limone
Spremuta Del Limone

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Yellow Revisited (Basic Editing II)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix 4900Z
Location: Home - Anacortes, Washington
Date: Dec 5, 2004
Aperture: F11
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/5
Galleries: Still Life, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Dec 6, 2004

Auto contrast, auto levels, crop, resize, USM

Original date/time: 2004:12:05 14:37:18
Shutter speed: 1/5.66
F-stop: 11.0
ISO speed: 125
Focal length: 10.6000
Flash: Not fired
Orientation: Top-left
Aperture: 7.0000
Exposure bias: -1.2000
Metering mode: Pattern
Exposure program: Aperture priority
Brightness: 3.6300
Digitized date/time: 2004:12:05 14:37:18
Modified date/time: 2004:12:05 14:37:18
Scene type: Photograph
Camera make: FUJIFILM
Camera model: FinePix4900ZOOM
X resolution: 72.0000
Y resolution: 72.0000
Resolution unit: Inches
Camera version: Digital Camera FinePix4900ZOOM Ver1.00
Colorspace: sRGB
File source: DSC

Place: 122 out of 393
Avg (all users): 5.3466
Avg (commenters): 6.6923
Avg (participants): 5.2264
Avg (non-participants): 5.5085
Views since voting: 979
Views during voting: 342
Votes: 277
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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12/20/2004 05:57:30 PM
this picture, not his, that is.
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12/20/2004 05:57:01 PM
I love his picture. I think it would have been first place if there were more lighting on the top.

Are you going to put this in prints to buy?
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/14/2004 09:06:38 PM
Returning for comments:
A very pleasing study playing the green of glass and yellow of lemins against the neutral background. Excellent detail and on the money exposure. Bumping up.
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12/14/2004 08:18:34 PM
Simple but very well composed, very crisp, well done photo.
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12/12/2004 11:55:00 AM
This is one of my favorites, the green glass really brings out the shot.
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12/09/2004 10:29:20 PM
Very nice. And I hope you're doing better with your lemon entry than I am with mine!
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12/09/2004 09:31:25 PM
I like the lighting behing the dish, but the lemon slice on top needs a llight. as it is, the dish gets more attention that the lemons. Nice and sharp, and i like the DOF.
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12/09/2004 07:50:20 PM
One of my tops in this challenge. It is just so refreshing and clean. Doesn't hurt that I love the old green glass juicers and the color yellow! Perfect lighting and composition.
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12/09/2004 03:14:58 AM
There are just so many lemons in this challenge that it is hard to get excited by another lemon shot. I would encourage you to punch it up: try something daring and different. Some traditionalist may not like it, but hey, at least you'll get their attention. This image just sort of fades in with the masses. You have great technical skills, now push the edge a bit. I dare you :-)
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12/08/2004 11:50:59 PM
could move the light to shine on the slices to give it a little more reflection. perhaps another light source could be helpful. good composition!
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12/08/2004 10:27:47 PM
Lemons are becoming very common for this challenge. At least your are in focus.
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12/08/2004 08:31:39 PM
Very nice. I can't not like it, but seems like it could be a little better - ...maybe more saturated yellow? Nicely done though.
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12/08/2004 02:46:03 PM
Pretty contrast in yellows between the skin and the interior of the lemons. Also, a nice contrast between the lemons and the green bowl. I really like the rendition of the glass highlights.
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12/08/2004 11:50:28 AM
Having a green bowl isn't doing you any favours here - maybe just having the lemons piled on the white background would have been better.
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12/08/2004 08:48:17 AM
good colors and depth of field, fits the topic well, but the white specks on the slices don't look right to me, perhaps the result of pushing the sharpness a bit too far
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12/08/2004 12:41:52 AM
Well done. The exposure and lighting are right on. I also like the slicing. The rays of light that fall on the table relly enhance this picture. A 10.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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