Good idea to use the yellow pages, but you didn't go far enough with it. I know this was your first entry, but it's an excellent case study. If you browse through the high scoring photos, you'll find that identifying a good subject is only part of the equation. One thing that struck me early on is that the winning shots often meet the challenge almost as a side effect on the way to something more. It's kinda' hard to explain, but I think of it like this: "OK, this object alone is enough to meet the challenge, so now I can forget about that aspect and just concentrate on a context or "story" with this object that would make an interesting photo." Always strive for simplicity. Anything that isn't necessary to communicate the situation should be eliminated.
Example: Open the yellow pages to the camera section (or something else appropriate) and position your fingers like the "walking" icon on the cover. Take a closeup with dramatic (or otherwise interesting) lighting, and title it, "Early Search Engine." Try to avoid repeating the challenge name in your title. Depending upon your lighting, that would probably score over 6.
Now apply that to your other entries- good subjects, but no story. You have no problem meeting the challenges, but if you can simplify your scenes and create a visual story, you'll never dip below 5 again. Good luck! |