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Brokedown Palace
3rd PlaceBrokedown Palace

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Broken (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Fort Pike; New Orleans, LA
Date: Dec 10, 2004
Aperture: f14
ISO: 400
Shutter: 2.5 sec
Galleries: Architecture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Dec 11, 2004

Here is another shot from Fort Pike in New Orleans. With this shot, I tried to convey a broken spirit along with the broken walls of the fort. We'll see if I succeeded or not.

1) RAW to TIFF
2) Crop
3) Minor cloning on the jacket.
4) Lowered the brightness of blownout areas
5) Contrast, Brightness, -20 Saturation
6) USM

Lens: 50mm f/1.4

Place: 3 out of 177
Avg (all users): 6.4747
Avg (commenters): 7.7500
Avg (participants): 6.3673
Avg (non-participants): 6.5800
Views since voting: 6634
Views during voting: 319
Votes: 198
Comments: 43
Favorites: 5 (view)

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12/20/2007 04:24:16 PM
So, so neat. The composition is entrancing.
12/23/2004 07:38:42 AM
Congratulations Chad!
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12/22/2004 09:03:31 PM

Excellent coloring, use of arches, alignment

Human subjects action looks slightly scripted


Message edited by author 2004-12-22 21:05:48.
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12/22/2004 03:31:25 AM
Awesome image...congrats on the ribbon!! :o)
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12/21/2004 07:43:30 AM
Congratulations Chad. This was one of my top pick and was glad to see it ribbon.
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12/21/2004 03:08:03 AM
I love the curves. The arches on the ceiling mirror the arches on the floor and the way the man on the floor is curved / arched over too. The photo drew me in. Although I like the mood of this picture alot for the purpose of the challenge, I would love to have it on my wall without the man (to feel a bit more cheerful because it is so beautiful. Well done!
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12/20/2004 05:02:37 PM
Thanks to all for the AMAZING comments. This is by far the best response I've ever gotten on a photo. Quite a few of you put a lot of thought into your comments, and to that I am thankful. I'm just glad some people "got" what I was trying to convey!

Two ribbons out of 3 challenges since I got the Digital Rebel. Coincidence? :-)

12/20/2004 04:41:39 PM
Congratulations on your Ribbon. This is a wonderful shot, very happy to see you ribbon with this. Well done!
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12/20/2004 03:34:19 PM
congrats, only been here 6 months, good going!
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12/20/2004 03:26:09 PM
I was so excited and pleased to see this wonderful work of photography rewarded by a ribbon on DPC. I am so glad my fears were unfounded that it wouldn't have the "slick, glossy" appeal necessary to get a ribbon. Fine photography with real emotion and impact were instead given applause!
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12/20/2004 02:55:34 PM

Nice shot, depressing !!!!

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12/20/2004 02:19:40 PM
Great mood shot. Love the composition! Well deswerved!
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12/20/2004 11:31:34 AM
This shot would have been kewl without the man too. Fabulious! Congrats
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12/20/2004 09:06:22 AM
Congratulations on the ribbon. Excellent work.
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12/20/2004 08:09:33 AM
well done - i thought this would be right up there in score.
one of my highest votes.
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12/20/2004 06:12:50 AM
This is a powerful image both emotively and visually and thoroughly deserves it`s ribbon placing.
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12/20/2004 01:56:57 AM
Congrats Chad, great photo!
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12/20/2004 12:34:52 AM
Well Done, Congrat's
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12/20/2004 12:24:59 AM
I very rarely go back and bump up a shot in a challenge. I did with this one because it is such a strong image (even though I thought that it was a little tenuous at meeting the challenge) that it deserved recognition!
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12/20/2004 12:17:01 AM
congrats! you've left the one hit wonder club in just a week, and have now become a 'master' :-)

very nice photo! well deserved
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12/20/2004 12:09:16 AM
Congratulations on your yellow with this touching study counter balancing the same theme under different representations.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/19/2004 10:49:41 PM
One of my "favorite songs" too ... excellent repeating patterns.
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12/19/2004 10:51:38 AM
american beauty...

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12/18/2004 04:18:35 AM
This is what separates a photo from a photograph in my opinion. We were asked to do our best in representing ‘broken’ and I have seen so may photos of everyday objects broken but with no emotion or story behind it. I believe a photograph should have a story and emotion behind it or its just a snap shot or photograph that one is trying to appeal to the mass with good technique. I feel you have met the challenge with emotion and a story and at the same time being technically great. I hope others can learn along with myself that something needs to be behind the photograph we submit. Great Job and a well deserved 10.
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12/16/2004 08:38:17 PM
Really good picture. Great perspective.
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12/16/2004 07:32:15 PM
nice photo, I like it, perhaps better for a different challenge though ?
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12/16/2004 11:54:51 AM
Nice perspective, great mood :)
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12/15/2004 11:38:11 PM
Returning for comments:
More like broken palace and broken spirit. One of those true life captures that deliver a deep message regarding mortality and the passing of time along with all joys and broken dreams. The semi prostate figures on the lower left give this image not only a spatial sense but also a peek into the abyss of the soul. Bumping up.
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12/14/2004 05:10:05 PM
This photo has so much impact and force within it. It is this kind of work that makes me love photography. I would love to see this ribbon, but fear that it isn't "glossy" enough. Please take that as my personal opinion and compliment.
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12/14/2004 04:03:08 PM
This DOUBLE BROKEN is wondeful. The old building is itself is a superb entry - very well composed and exposed. The focus is sharp througout. Then ADD the broken-spirited man to the scene and you have a true unique winner. Look out for the ribbon train - it should be headed in your direction.
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12/14/2004 02:23:16 PM
Beautiful place and beautiful picture.
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12/14/2004 08:23:15 AM
nice work! cool place.. like to take some shots there too
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12/14/2004 06:22:19 AM
Composition: 9, Technical: 6, Appeal: 8, Challenge: 6, Overall Calculated Average Score: 7
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12/14/2004 05:46:17 AM
Excellent, althoug I actually think the person detracts from the photograph.
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12/14/2004 04:35:45 AM
Composition: 10, Technical: 9, Appeal: 9, Challenge: 9, Overall Score: 9 (weighted)
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12/13/2004 11:00:49 PM
Wonderful, would have loved it more without the man in the picture. Good job, love the texture!
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12/13/2004 08:47:01 PM
Very nice composition and lighting. I don't think the model adds much.
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12/13/2004 08:31:48 PM
Great composition and depth...Definitely a top contender. Wonderful picture.
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12/13/2004 02:03:50 PM
Fantastic composition. I was about to suggest that the guy could use a little more illumination, but then it occurred to me that the image is perhaps more effective when he almost goes unnoticed.
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12/13/2004 01:29:17 PM
I have taken many dark and moody shots like this myself because I like the lighting, and the symetry of the archways. This one is well done ... both composed and executed well. Adding the figure improves it as well. Hope it does well inthe voting. Among my top picks.
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12/13/2004 11:04:36 AM
Beautiful location, nice interest with the person in the corner... well done... congrats
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12/13/2004 05:13:23 AM
I like it a lot. I think you have done a great job in portraying the atmosphere and emotion. You could almost smell that place. Well done.
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12/13/2004 03:10:03 AM
Great location, good shot. One question, why the guy in the Columbia jacket?
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