I like this kind of found, detritus photography - the piles of stuff we have lying around, as a people. It's a general subject I find very difficult to shoot myself, and I'm afriad this shot doesn't quite do it for me, either. Perhaps my eye, and yours, isn't quite trained enough in the recognistion of the simple amongst all this stuff, in the finding of compositional elements that add strength to such images - all my shots, as with this one, simply seem to be confused and lacking in much impact or sense of particular subject. I think, of rwhat its worth, that my feelings here are that you have too many different types of object in the frame, and too much extraneous mattter also, and that you haven't really found a moment of light that enhances the shot - but quite how one would imprve it particularly remains a mystery to me. A fine attempt, but I fear not a successful one. |