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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Deja Vu (Advanced Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Location: Hickory, North Carolina
Date: Dec 14, 2004
Aperture: f.8
ISO: ISO 100
Shutter: 64 Seconds
Galleries: Abstract, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Dec 14, 2004

I don't particularly like the idea of doing direct copies of existing photographs. I used to do that occasionally WITH the permission of the originating photographer, but I have found that to be against my better judgement at this point.

I really admire Gordon McGregor's Fantasia photograph. It's a great image with a well thought out idea and theme. I decided to copy up to the point of using a paint brush in the composition and then break away and go to the opposite extremes of what Gordon did with his image. The Fantasia photograph uses cool tones and creates very gentle and visually pleasing 'strokes' with the light source. The smooth curves created by the light in his image also add a great appeal to that image. I decided to use the warmer tones (6400K) to create the contrasting 'anger/fear' instead. I also chose to use chaotic light patterns rather than smooth and gentle curves.

The title of this image is "Apocalypse". I recently viewed an exhibit at the local art gallery called "Picture Painter of the Apocalypse" by McKendree Robbins Long... more info on that here:


Post Processing:

Minor levels and curves adjustments...


File: CRW_3703.CRW
File size: 4,537KB
Image Serial Number: 237-3703
Camera Model: Canon EOS 10D
Camera serial number: 1020300016
Firmware: Firmware Version 2.0.1
Owner: John M. Setzler, Jr.
Date/Time: 2004:12:14 01:30:32
Shutter speed: 64 sec
Aperture: 8
Exposure mode: Manual
Flash: Off
Metering mode: Evaluative
Drive mode: Continuous
ISO: 100
Lens: 24 to 70mm
Focal length: 24mm
Subject distance: 0.54 m
AF mode: Manual Focus
Image size: 3072 x 2048
Image quality: Raw
White balance: Auto
Color space: AdobeRGB
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Contrast: Normal
Tone: Normal
Custom Functions:
CFn 2: Shutter release w/o CF card: Not possible
CFn 6: Tv/Av and exposure level: 1/3 stop
CFn 7: AF point registration: all

Place: 18 out of 106
Avg (all users): 6.6131
Avg (commenters): 7.5000
Avg (participants): 6.3889
Avg (non-participants): 6.7402
Views since voting: 2112
Views during voting: 410
Votes: 199
Comments: 16
Favorites: 9 (view)

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02/06/2005 11:21:54 AM
Its not "copying" for say... Just borrowed idea... To many photos are the same these days anyways, ok not all to many... But ya know when you have the artist permission or atleast give credit where its do and take it to your own level then it makes for a respected situation. This is really good.. Congrats on being in the top 20:)
12/27/2004 10:27:11 AM
Congratulations on your 18th finish with this hot little brush.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/26/2004 08:59:06 PM
Wow. Takes Gordon's shot to a new level. Not sure I like the hot yellow area, but the swirls of light are outstanding ... like an alien/paranormal encounter : )
12/26/2004 02:43:31 AM
this is very cool. the warm yellows and oranges-- painted in that soft, billowy manner--give a feeling of the supernatural. i can't decide if i would have removed the shadows of the brush... i wonder if it would have made the brush stand out in stark relief against the etheral light? regardless, very nice work. :)
12/23/2004 10:03:23 PM
Returning for comments:
A very nice take to the warmer color spectrum. Bumping up.
12/23/2004 08:43:10 PM
redolent of heat and light. I suspect if I were seeing it in a larger size I'd be wishing the bristles were sharp. But very nice...
12/23/2004 05:25:44 PM
Very nicely done. I like the colors in the original, but I like this one a lot as well. Good application of the inspiration from the ribbon winner. I even like the border.
12/22/2004 11:54:40 PM
Another solid painting with light photo - 7
12/22/2004 11:07:26 AM
Good use of light.
12/21/2004 11:41:33 PM
Great, well done. nice colours !
12/21/2004 05:15:18 PM
The best of several variations on the great theme
12/20/2004 07:50:01 PM
Stunning light and color. And this is one of those times that "centeredness" is just the right thing. Fascinating to just gaze here and let the eye move with the light.
12/20/2004 03:49:33 PM
The feel, the tonality of the original in s different shade, and a slightly different effect overall. Competent stuff.
12/20/2004 03:17:51 PM
well done, nice take on the original.
12/20/2004 11:18:44 AM
Beautiful! I would love to see this when the brash is not so centered, but yet, a great work.
12/20/2004 10:22:34 AM
Very nice, inspired but unique. I like the color chosen but the shadows on from the brush handle are a bit distracting. A 9

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