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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pets and Their People (Basic Editing II)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Oberkorn, G-D of Luxembourg
Date: Dec 21, 2004
Aperture: F/8,0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/807 sec.
Galleries: Portraiture, Animals
Date Uploaded: Dec 21, 2004

I checked the list of my friends for those who had any pets and remembered that my friend Linda had shown me photos of her hamsters before. She kindly allowed me to visit her for a 'photo session' with her hamster 'Fuuss' (Lux.: Fox). It was quite nervous and wouldn't keep still, which made it difficult to get a decent shot with the given lighting conditions.

Linda stood in front of a white surface which usually serves for dia projection. Just behind her, on the floor, I placed a very strong light I borrowed from my father's tool collection. The hamster did the rest, it is blind an kept running towards the abyss. Linda had to keep him from unwillingly commiting suicide. This resultet in many different positions I could take shots of.

Post Processing:
square crop,
brightness/contrast to get the background as white as possible (didn't work out as well as I wanted thiugh),
selective hue/saturation, I left a bit of colour in the red channel and changed its hue to blue which seemed to work best with the gray surrounding,
curves to brighten the background a bit,
resize to 640x640,
white inside border (distance:15px, width:1px).

Comments: I would like to thank Linda for her patience, and Fuuss for being soooooo cute :)

Place: 86 out of 126
Avg (all users): 4.7378
Avg (commenters): 5.1538
Avg (participants): 4.3836
Avg (non-participants): 4.8392
Views since voting: 1162
Views during voting: 455
Votes: 328
Comments: 14
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/28/2004 11:59:54 PM
I am not a lover of frames that cut through an image, especially the feet, but the comp is good and so is coloration. I'll pretend no frame. lol 7
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12/28/2004 04:14:27 PM
love the colors
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12/26/2004 07:00:52 AM
Snapshot and too much empty space
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12/26/2004 04:57:32 AM
To me you have to much negative space for this shot. A close up would of worked better IMO. The border is distracting and the blue tint does not appeal to this photograph. However your focus is OK. Wish you the best in the challenge.
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12/24/2004 11:18:53 PM
Interesting idea, but maybe there's a little too much open space?
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12/23/2004 08:55:19 AM
Nice composition, I think the partial desaturation hasn't done a lot for the photo. I think complete B & W would probably be better :)
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12/22/2004 09:17:03 PM
The color is off, there is too much negative space, the border is distracting, and it is out of focus. It's almost a parody. If this was intentional, then it worked. If not, then there are a few things you need to work on. Sorry.
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12/22/2004 06:43:14 PM
Why the white box?
12/22/2004 04:54:09 PM
nice photo
12/22/2004 04:05:19 PM
I like the framing and the colors.
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12/22/2004 10:27:47 AM
The washed out color doesn't do a lot for me. I'd bump the color up or go to graytones altogether.
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12/22/2004 10:26:08 AM
Atrocious border, and I'm not a fan of the colouring either. Why did you only leave blue in? Now the hamster looks a little purple because of it. You seem to have stayed within the rules, but the selective desat does nothing for the picture, and makes your hamster look odd. Without the border, weird colours and selective desat this would have beena great photo.
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12/22/2004 09:35:05 AM
to much negative space
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/22/2004 01:33:19 AM
Cute picture, but the border is extremely distracting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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