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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pets and Their People (Basic Editing II)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix 3800
Location: Gale's Equine Facility
Date: Dec 21, 2004
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Emotive, Animals
Date Uploaded: Dec 21, 2004

This is my daughter Ellie and the pony she rides Patches. While Patches in not her horse technically she is her best friend and Ellie some day hopes to own a horse just like her.

This was taken at Gale's Equine Facility in the afternoon as the sun was setting, hence the shadows.

I rotated, cropped, adjusted the levels and applied neat image to get ride of some rough edges. The Neat image settings were:
Smooth Edges
High Resolution
125% Sharpening

And there you have it, I like the neat image application because it helped get rid of a few shadows and also blur the background. :)

Place: 11 out of 126
Avg (all users): 6.4462
Avg (commenters): 7.2424
Avg (participants): 6.1867
Avg (non-participants): 6.5240
Views since voting: 2033
Views during voting: 448
Votes: 325
Comments: 40
Favorites: 5 (view)

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05/06/2006 12:47:50 PM
Thank you for some great ideas! I'm really drawn to this photo with it's brilliant colors, crisp lines, peaceful...relaxed expressions, and fine subjects.
Since I have lived outside of Texas most of my life after being born in Fort Worth, I still to this day ache to own a horse (as a best friend.)
Since my little JOY is only two & a half, I'm already thinking of great portraits for her as she grows. BINGO! This photo hits the target for me! In it goes to Favorites for future reference. Thanks again! :)
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01/02/2005 02:31:55 PM
I know I already spoke but my you know what! Wanted to see this and the comments. She says very nice and very cool. She loves it and she wants to model for you on some thing like this again. She also agrees that you deserve somewhere in the top ten!

Message edited by author 2005-01-02 14:32:48.
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12/29/2004 02:23:31 PM
Nice, I really like it. Even though it does involve my you know what! Well anyway very nice and I think that you deserved soemwhere in the top 10!
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12/29/2004 03:21:03 AM
Congratulations on your placement. I loved this photograph.
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12/29/2004 12:23:50 AM
Congratulations on your 11th placement.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/28/2004 07:56:09 PM
Real sweet, however, the blue colorations may have better been grayish as it detracts from the lovely tones of the horse and the girl. 6
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12/28/2004 04:46:23 PM
Nice compositon. Nice detail, especially in the eyes. A bit too contrasty. Fence insulator in the background is a major flaw.
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12/28/2004 04:42:36 PM
Crisp image! Nice shot!
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12/27/2004 10:18:44 PM
lovely photo, way too much neatimage for me. They both look a bit plastic!
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12/27/2004 08:49:10 PM
A nice picture, but looks like you used way too much NeatImage (or some filter). The soft look is appealing in its way, but you've lost the detail in the fur of the horse's face.
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12/27/2004 08:05:49 PM
Beautiful photograph, Pretty horse and cute kid, nice DOF.
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12/27/2004 11:55:21 AM
Beautiful photograph.
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12/26/2004 06:39:01 PM
perfect! everything important is in focus, the only thing that is distracting is that yellow thing in the background
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12/26/2004 04:53:57 PM
beautiful shot 10
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12/26/2004 03:03:57 PM
Composition: 10, Technical: 9, Appeal: 9, Challenge: 9, Overall Calculated Average Score: 9
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12/26/2004 07:24:34 AM
Although this is pretty much a snapshot the eys give it quality
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12/26/2004 04:44:08 AM
Snow appears a bit too blue. Horses nose is over exposed but it's still one of my favorites of the challenge!
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12/26/2004 04:34:22 AM
This photograph would fair well even in an advanced editing challenge. The smooth flesh tones almost looks as if it has been edited for advanced. I guess that is what happens when you take an almost perfectly focused picture. You did a great job on lighting the subjects and the colors are great. So much detail in some areas while achieving smooth effect in others. The only thing I can pick at is the over exposure on the horses nose. Great Job bump to a 8!
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12/26/2004 01:43:50 AM
Even with the blown highlights it's still attractive and the horse and human seem "connected".
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12/24/2004 11:10:37 PM
Good portrait. As a composition suggestion, I think it would have increased the impact if the girl had a hand on the leather thingy under the horse's neck.
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12/24/2004 03:53:20 PM
I wish she was wearing something less distracting - its a good shot anyway.
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12/23/2004 06:37:54 PM
The horse's nose is washed out. Choice of lighting could have been better
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12/23/2004 02:06:14 PM
a wonderful shot.
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12/23/2004 10:24:30 AM
I'm totally conviced! Nice job meeting the challenge.
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12/23/2004 03:03:07 AM
Looks a bit neat imaged. Nice lighting, good sharp focus.
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12/22/2004 06:48:58 PM
Excellent pic! Definately frameworthy
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12/22/2004 03:12:13 PM
Clear sharp photo. Nice light. Beautiful horse and child
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12/22/2004 02:14:31 PM
I know how hard it is to get a horse to cooperate with the camera sometimes. Excellent pictue! Reminds me of my younger days too!
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12/22/2004 12:14:53 PM
Very nice.
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12/22/2004 11:53:37 AM
This looks too good for basic editing... But just in case...
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12/22/2004 10:10:19 AM
I like this. Fantastic skin tone on the girl, the snow is coming out a little blue - stick a colour grad filter on there (possible slang name, ask around for filters which get the correct colours, mainly to stop snow showing blue) and the horses nose is a little overexposed. The background would be distracting (not quite blurred enough) if the crop wasn't so goodm, so well done. Overall one of the best in the challenge.
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12/22/2004 09:19:58 AM
Very nice portrait. The burnt highlight on the horses nose is a distraction though.
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12/22/2004 08:53:24 AM
What a superb double portrait - the light on the girl is perfect, pity about the blown highlights on the horse - nice composition - one of the best!
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12/22/2004 08:45:26 AM
nice capture
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12/22/2004 04:09:13 AM
beautifull... very sharp and well done... congrats.. the yellow thingy over the horse is a litle distracting
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12/22/2004 02:22:02 AM
This photo is really nice and would have been just fine without that much processing. After the challenge, you might want to look at the original again and try processing it a little less heavily. But, as I said, the shot itself is really excellent.
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12/22/2004 02:15:52 AM
Lots to like about this, but the horses nose is blown out...very distracting.
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12/22/2004 01:06:28 AM
what a great looking horse
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12/22/2004 12:57:47 AM
Nice pose and colors, and nice models. But I think your neatimage settings are a bit too high. Also, it would have been good to try and fix the overexposed snout and the blue snow (that's weird, must be a white balance issue.)
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12/22/2004 12:09:44 AM
Great picture for your wall. It does look too "neatimaged" there isn't very much texture in their hair or in her skin.
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