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03/04/2003 01:02:55 PM |
Okay - now I'm back. I'll be writing this at work in bits and pieces- I have to save as I go along because I've lost too many reviews to computer glitches. I'll lwt you know when I am all done.
Hello from the Critique CLub- I like your work and I'm glad to have the chance to review another of your pictures- Funny that they are both green and both sad and both sort of bleak. This interminable winter must be getting to you.
I really like this photo. Yes it is bleak, yes this conveys despair, challenge well met. I love the solitary mood, just the guy and his shadow. What does the shadow represent? All his fears and disappointments that share this lonely room with him? I like a picture that tells a story.
Someone on DPC recently said that photography is all about light. Your dramatic use of light and shadow is the best part of this picture. Although the light appears to come from a window, the window itself doesn't exist in the mood of the room. The light shines directly on the figure but in a way seems to pass him by and focus on his shadow. The high contrast lighting on the mans arms and legs make him an abstact shape. His face and parts are hidden in shadow. That makes the person anonymous and leaves his pain as the main subject of the photo. So what is the central focus here? Maybe his hand, the one with the wrist watch? That's why I think he might be ready to punch someone, if he can overcome the weight of his emotions.
I especially like the composition of this shot.
1. The subject is backed up into the upper right corner. The whole of the bottom half is filled with interesting patterns of light and dark. Did you rake the carpet to be just so? The dark foreground seems to be creeping up on our man, stopped for a moment by the brighter circle of carpet by his feet. Will that light be enough to stop him from getting engulfed by the darkness? I don't think so, the carpet waves are moving towards him.
2. The upper left corner is empty and only serves as a place for those two wonderful leading lines, the double shadow that points right to the subject. So the foreground creep up on him and the Leftground (not a real word, I made iit up) points at him accusingly, poor fellow, even his room of refuge is against him.
3. The man himself, all folded up is a nice study of crisscrossing lines. His shadow behind him repeats his shape in silhouette.
Another effective element is your textures. The fuzzy carpet leads to the furry man and is reflected in the graininess of the walls. Nice. The grainy look works really well here.
Why does our friend look so tense and uncomfortable (I mean aside from the fact that he's naked in front of a camera)? Maybe he is incredibly angry as well as sad. His arms are squeezing tight to his legs. His head is pushed down, not fallen down. Even his toes are tense. He seems to be spring loaded with tension. I think his attitude makes the scene more interesting. it combines with the shadows and pointing lines to imply that something (maybe bad) is going to happen. It is certainly not a static picture of rejection or hopelessness.
I changed my mind about the wrist watch. I like it. I decided that it adds to the mood rather than detracts from it. THis is a modern scene in a modern apartment. The carpet and woodwork date the image t the present and so the watch is in keeping. I makes a statement about our times..the pressure of time?...too much to do?....time running out for him??..all sorts of possibilities.
I have trouble making suggestions on pictures that are near perfect. One little thing, now that the challenge is over, I think you should go back and clone out some of the pnael lines on the door. One of them makes his shadow have a funny square corner. Also, if it looks like a door it suggests a hint of a way out. Do you want him to have that glimmer of hope or not? Although I like it in the monotone color you have chosen, I'd be curious to see it in black and white as some commenters suggested.
I always put a disclaimer: Please remember that this is just my opinion and I am definaely NOT an expert.
Message edited by author 2003-03-14 15:20:05. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
03/02/2003 11:01:38 PM |
Damn, no quarters for the wash... |
03/02/2003 03:43:03 PM |
Looks like a security camera video. Reminds me of something from the crying game. I do think it shows despair and I think that the primitive look to this photo is fairly effective representing the point of the picture. |
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03/02/2003 03:36:50 PM |
the despair of shampooing the carpet while in the nude... |
02/28/2003 02:20:23 PM |
Very desperate. I like the slightly fuzzy focus and the bland color of the carpet. The nudity of your model adds to the darkness of the emotion. Give this guy a hug. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
02/27/2003 10:02:55 PM |
good job! I would have tried to rid the photo of the white walls with something that matches the floor, which would have given the photo even more drama. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
02/27/2003 02:02:45 PM |
Good image. Nice use of shadows and display of the concept. Nice job. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
02/26/2003 09:51:51 PM |
This feels more like shame to me...not sure why. I guess I have no idea what the subject is in despair about. |
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02/26/2003 09:43:47 PM |
Trip, just wearing a watch. Should have made it a B&W maybe. |
02/25/2003 02:55:41 PM |
mmmmmmmmmmm .-) must be cold... |
02/25/2003 01:46:55 PM |
02/25/2003 01:37:17 PM |
People huddling in a corner while nude seems to be a theme this challenge. Two problems: If he's naked, why the watch? Also, if you're upset, you generally don't strip, you find more layers. A blanket. Crawl into bed. Something in order to hide. (That's why you're in the corner. You're hiding. So why be naked?) Great lighting on this shot though. |
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02/24/2003 07:36:18 PM |
Your photo should be in black and white, the guy should not wear a watch and he should be more relaxed, less tense, relaxed in the acceptance of total defeat. |
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02/24/2003 05:50:37 PM |
I like the colors and graininess in this photo, but why didn't you take the watch off too? |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
02/24/2003 04:55:16 PM |
I don't understand why he's still wearing the watch. I do like the way the colors work together to communicate the feeling, though. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
02/24/2003 02:21:07 PM |
02/24/2003 06:30:39 AM |
A strong, powerfull image, appart from the wristwatch |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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